When the falcon swoops down on its prey at “rocket” speed, the flying pigeons have no chance of survival

When the falcon swoops down on its prey at “rocket” speed, the flying pigeons have no chance of survival. The sky suddenly became chaotic as the falcon’s…

Top 10 highest flying birds in the world

The Mysterious World website has just released a list of the 10 highest flying birds in the world. The first bird is the Gyps Rueppellii, which can fly at a maximum altitude of 11,277.6m. 1. Gyps Rueppellii (maximum altitude: 11,277.6m). 2. White-necked crane (maximum altitude: 10,058.4m) 3. Geese …

Why was the mandarin duck chosen as a symbol of marital happiness?

They are called lovebirds, because of the duck's characteristic of always traveling in pairs. They always stand together like a married couple. However, during the breeding season, the male does not care about incubating and protecting the eggs, he lets the female do this job herself. …

Birds are given passports and business class seats cost up to half a million USD

Photo: Internet Previously, falcons were used to help their owners find food, but today they have become pets. Photo: Getty Each falcon costs from 2,000 – 70,000 dirhams (from 12.6 to more than 440 million VND) depending on the breed of bird. Photo: Birds of Saudi …

A strange bird with a crying face and excellent circus skills

This bird is called the Bearded Reedling, and it has such a unique appearance that you will never confuse it with any other species. Bearded Reedling is…

This rare bird with a unique horn beak is very faithful, does not change partners, and is in the Red Book

With the name Earth Phoenix, this species of Hornbill is currently on the list of species facing great danger of extinction in nature, due to the terrible…

The precious bird in the Red Book is the ultimate “snake hunter”.

The Burmese flower kite belongs to a group of endangered and rare wild animals that need to be preserved The bird has a large head, on the…

Rare birds have the ability to imitate sounds perfectly

Lyrebird (Australian Lark) has the scientific name Lyrebird. It is one of the world’s largest songbirds, and is noted for its complex and wonderfully mimicked tail. According…


New bird species discovered in 2023. Many previously unknown bird species were discovered by scientists in many parts of the world

In 2015, many previously unknown bird species were discovered by scientists in many parts of the world. Sci-News page introduces some new typical bird species. Sichuan bush warbler (Locustella chengi) – Photo: Sci-News Warbler…

Wicken Fen purchases land to help European Turtle Dove

New land purchased by the National Trust at Wicken Fen will be managed to attract European Turtle Doves . Some 28 ha of land adjoining the Cambridgeshire reserve will be used as part of the Operation Turtle Dove project, which aims to boost numbers of …