Nghiên cứu mới cho thấy vẹt rất thích gọi video call cho nhau, thậm chí có thể dạy nhau học và chơi - Ảnh 3.

New research shows that parrots love to make video calls to each other, and can even teach each other to learn and play

When people feel bored, we can meet friends online via phone or computer screen. In the new study, scientists asked parrots the same question, and they discovered that the cunning birds were extremely fond of…

Why are quails the most fertile birds in nature?

Quails have round bodies, short and stocky bodies, thick feathers, usually brown-brown in color, with black spots in the middle of the feathers. Quail is a typical ground-dwelling bird, distributed mainly in middle and low latitudes of Africa, Asia and Europe. Ability …

Heatwaves harm farmland bird reproduction

New research has shown how extreme temperatures can significantly harm the reproductive success of birds in farmland habitats. A team of University of California researchers found that the effects of high temperatures on avian reproduction can vary …

Zebra finches make nests in many different locations; from scrub and bushes, to rabbit burrows and gaps in buildings

While male zebra finches generally have bolder black and white markings under their chin, the most reliable sign of zebra finch gender is their beaks; males have red beaks and females have orange beaks. Although they are renowned for their loud rhythmic …

The Māori name ‘tīeke ‘ relates to the sound of their common call: ti-e-ke-ke-ke-ke

The Māori name ‘tīeke ‘ relates to the sound of their common call: ti-e-ke-ke-ke-ke Member of wattlebird family – relatives of kōkako and (extinct) huia Despite mainly eating insects, tīeke also eat fruit and nectar, dispersing seeds and pollinating flowers …

The “sulphur” in their name refers to the bright yellow plumage on their crest and feathers

As part of the parrot family, sulphur crested cockatoos have the same defining features – a long curved beak, strong legs and zygodactyl feet, which means they have two toes facing forwards and two facing backwards. This allows them to climb exceptionally …

One of the most familiar sounds in our night forests is the haunting call of the ruru, or morepork

One of the most familiar sounds in our night forests is the haunting call of the ruru, or morepork The morepork is a silent hunter. Its soft wing feathers make no sound as it swoops down on its prey. Its head turns almost in a complete circle, and with …

Red-tailed black cockatoo

Males and female red-tailed black cockatoos can be distinguished by the splashes of colour on their tail feathers – red panels in males, and yellow-orange bars in females. These cockatoos have zygodactyl feet, two toes facing forward and two backwards, …

The little penguin (kororā) is the smallest penguin in the world, standing just 25cm tall and weighing a little over 1kg

The little penguin (kororā) is the smallest penguin in the world, standing just 25cm tall and weighing a little over 1kg. Little penguin populations are declining in areas that aren’t protected from predators. Where predator control is in place, populations …

Monitoring threats to KEA in Mt Aspiring National Park

Kea ( Nestor notabilis ) are the  only mountain parrot species in the world and are listed as Nationally Endangered, numbering fewer than 5,000 individuals in the wild. Threats include introduced mammalian predators, lead poisoning, and accidents with …