Vì sao loài chim bồ câu gỗ New Zealand được mệnh danh là 'những gã say xỉn trên trời'? - Ảnh 3.

Why are New Zealand wood pigeons known as ‘the drunkards of the sky’ ?

Pigeons are often said to be able to move and find their way thanks to the Earth's magnetic field, the position of the Sun and even infrasound waves. There are many types of pigeons, and they are widely distributed throughout the world. In New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere,…

Why do many places ban cormorant fishing?

Cormorants, a mysterious and unique waterbird, live in seas around the world. Dubbed the “king of fish hunters”, they are famous for their excellent hunting skills and dexterity. However, in recent years, controversy over fishing activities by…

What would happen if 200,000 African crazy sparrows simultaneously attacked elephants?

In 2017, an incident of “crazy sparrows attacking elephants” occurred in Kenya, Africa. Photographer Antero Topp promptly captured the image of elephants running away in fear before the appearance of a flock of thousands of crazy birds at the Satao Camp waterhole of…

Why is the snake-eating kite often called ‘secretary bird’?

Have you ever wondered why the secretary bird has its name? This unique bird of prey is endemic to Africa, and has a striking appearance that combines an eagle-like body with long crane-like legs and a crest of black feathers on its head. But …

Peru has become the country with the most diverse bird species in the world

In the past year, Peru has identified 19 new bird species in the Amazon region, bordering Brazil and Bolivia. Previously, in the latest list of bird species published in November 2023, Peru had 1,860 bird species, behind Colombia with 1,869 species but…

Loài chim biến mình thành một chiếc ô, dụ con mồi lao về phía cái chết để tìm kiếm sự an toàn - Ảnh 4.

The bird turns itself into an umbrella, luring its prey towards death in search of safety

African black herons have a very unique hunting technique – they use their wings to form an umbrella, which not only reduces glare but also makes their prey, the fish, feel false security. Called “veiled eating”, …

Bức tuyệt tác thời Ai Cập cổ đại chân thực đến mức các nhà khoa học xác định chính xác chim chóc trong tranh - Ảnh 2.

The ancient Egyptian masterpiece is so realistic that scientists have accurately identified the birds in the painting

Archaeologists discovered the painting about a century ago, when it still resided on the wall of a palace at the Amarna archaeological site – the area that was the ancient Egyptian capital of the 18th Dynasty, located today from Cairo. now 300 kilometers south. Previously, a…

Scientists have turned dead birds into drones

In 2021, a strange conspiracy theory emerged in America. Conspiracy theories promoted by Gen Z – the generation of people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s – claim that birds do not exist and that what we are seeing are actually devices…

Vì sao chim hoàng yến thường được mang vào bên trong các mỏ than? - Ảnh 3.

Why are canaries often brought inside coal mines?

Canaries were once commonly used in coal mines as an early warning system for dangerous gas leaks. The birds would be carried by workers with them when digging mines. If they show signs of declining health or death, it will mean…

Why is the golden eagle considered the king of raptors?

Birds of prey are divided into 3 genera, including all birds of the Falconiformes, Owlformes and Eagleformes genera, of which the golden eagle is the best predator in the Eagleformes genus, and it is the top predator of the food chain. . Golden eagle, like…