When it rains, where will the birds take shelter?

Birds are very unique creatures in nature, including raptors, waterfowl, songbirds, climbing birds, wading birds and others.

Some bird species choose to accompany humans and congregate near human buildings. Therefore, some people also wonder, for example, if birds are tired, they return to their nests to rest, so where will they go to shelter when it rains?

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Birds can adapt to weather changes thanks to their genetic structure. Bird feathers repel water. Because of their innate instinct, they flatten their fur more when the rain becomes heavier. However, some birds choose to keep their feathers dry and seek shelter when it rains.

The role of bird nests

In fact, the above opinions are just people taking it for granted that bird nests have only one main function, which is to serve the reproductive process, and they usually do not rest in bird nests, let alone shelter from the rain in the nest. bird.

Bird nests are structures used by many different species of birds, usually made of twigs, grass, bark, leaves, feathers and other materials, in different shapes and materials. Most birds will build their nests on branches, tall trees, rocks, human buildings, etc. to ensure the safety of the young birds.

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Modern birds have typical characteristics such as: having feathers, a beak and no teeth, laying eggs with hard shells made of limestone, a high metabolic index, a four-chambered heart, and a light skeleton. , spongy but firm. All birds have forelimbs that have transformed into wings and most can fly, with exceptions such as penguins, ostriches and a variety of endemic birds living on islands. .

The shape and size of the nest depends on the needs and species characteristics of different birds. For example, eagles and vultures need larger nests to accommodate their size, while sparrows and swallows prefer to build their nests in relatively small places such as tree hollows and eaves.

The nest can protect the eggs and young birds in the nest from predators and the outside environment.

The nesting behavior of birds is an instinctive behavior that has great significance for the survival and reproduction of birds. Bird nests not only keep eggs and chicks safe, but also help regulate temperature and humidity for chicks.

In addition, bird nests can also serve as a living space for birds, providing them with a place to live and breed. For young birds that cannot yet fly, the nest is an essential habitat.

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Do birds really rest in bird nests?

While bird nests can provide protection for young birds, not all birds live in nests. For example, raptors such as eagles and vultures often do not sleep in nests, but choose to sleep in trees or on cliff overhangs to better observe their surroundings.

For birds that need to rest in the nest, because there are eggs or young birds in the nest, they will rest and sleep in the nest.

Nestlings need to be able to regulate the temperature and humidity in the nest, so most nestlings will rest in the nest. For adult birds, whether or not to rest in the nest often depends on the external environment and the bird’s behavior.

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Where do birds fly to shelter from the rain?

Birds’ nesting behavior is related to their seeking shelter from the rain as they search for habitat. On rainy days, birds need to find shelter to protect their feathers from getting wet. Different species of birds choose to hide in different places.

Most small birds will take shelter in leaves and grass. Leaves and grass provide good shelter and can effectively prevent rainwater from falling directly on birds.

Species such as swallows and woodpeckers often choose to shelter from the rain in tree hollows and caves. Tree hollows and burrows provide great protection, keeping them dry from rain and protecting birds from predators.

Birds in cities will choose to avoid the rain under the roofs of buildings. Places such as the porches and walkways of buildings often provide good shade to keep birds dry.

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Waterfowl and aquatic birds are more accustomed to humidity than other species. Ducks, geese, herons, sandpipers and other shorebirds will often take shelter from the rain. These birds often seek shelter when conditions become harsh. These waterfowl will seek out brushy areas and structures for shelter.

Some birds that live near water will take shelter from the rain on aquatic plants. Aquatic plants allow birds to gather and avoid rainwater from falling directly on them.

There are also birds that choose to directly catch rain, their feathers can secrete oil to dry quickly after catching rain, such as kingfishers.

Bird nests are places where birds reside and breed, and can provide birds with a safe, warm and dry living environment. Birds do not necessarily rest in their nests but choose different resting places according to different environments and habits. Accordingly, birds’ rain avoidance behavior is also influenced by species and environment.

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