Top 10 most ferocious prehistoric birds in the world

Although these birds no longer exist today, the level of terror they caused is legendary .

"Bird According to fossils remaining today, Titans was a raptor belonging to the Phorusrhacidae family, living in North America during the Blancan period and extinct in the Gelasian period. With a body length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 150kg, they are truly terrifying predators in the sky.

"Bird Physornis once roamed about 28-23 million years ago, considered a “terrorist” to other species.

"Stride The wingspan of the Teratorn Merriam bird is up to 3.5-3.8m long with an area of 17.5m 2 . Many fossils of this special bird have been found in California, Arizona and Florida.

"Bird Paraphysornis bird belongs to the Phorusrhacidae family, considered one of the terror birds flying in the sky of prehistoric times. They were 2m long, weighed 200-250kg and were one of the most formidable carnivores of their time.

"Bird Osteo is a seabird and a close relative of today’s pelicans. Their wingspan is about 6m long, reaching a height of 1.2m with the beak accounting for 3/4 of the length of the head.

"Phorusrhacos Phorusrhacos was once a terrorist, haunting the forests and grasslands of Patagonia. These birds are about 2.5m tall and weigh about 130kg. They often hold their prey in their beaks and hit the ground multiple times to kill it.

"Kelenken Kelenken is a member of the Phorusrhacidae family and one of the largest raptors of all time. They can reach a height of 3m and a weight of 220-250kg.

"Grand Once dominating the southern islands of New Zealand, the Haast were the largest eagles that ever existed. Although small (about 9-16kg), they can turn giant flying birds into prey with a pursuit speed of more than 80km/h.

"Brontornis Brontornis is a giant raptor that lives in Patagonia. Adults can be 2.8m tall and weigh 350-400kg. They are not too agile, so they often choose to ambush their prey and this method proves to be very effective.

"Bird The wingspan of each Argentavis is about 7m long, body length is 1.3m, height is 2m and weight is always over 80kg.

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