This is a bird with eyelashes that make women jealous

Secretarybird (or snake-eating kite) is the only species in the bird genus of the Sagittariidae family (scientific name Sagittarius serpentarius).

The scientific name of the genus “Sagittarius” is the Latin word for “archer”, perhaps due to the comparison of the snake-eating kite’s tube feathers with an arrow quiver, while the species identifier “serpentarius” is reminiscent of this bird’s skill in hunting reptiles.

The snake-eating kite is a large bird of prey endemic to Africa, often found in sparse grasslands and savannas. The snake-eating kite appears on the coats of arms of Sudan and South Africa. They are often called Secretarybirds because the feathers on their heads resemble the quills often held on the heads of secretaries in medieval Europe.

This bird has many special things to say, but the most special thing is its long, shiny curled eyelashes, making all women jealous.

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Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 2.

With 10 years of experience in nature photography, photographer Brian Connolly is still impressed when it comes to snake-eating kites.

“They’re unique,” Brian told BP . “They specialize in hunting snakes on land with their strong dinosaur-like legs and claws.”

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Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 4.

That’s not wrong at all. Despite its luxurious appearance, snake-eating kites can eat many living animals, especially land snakes.

Unlike most birds of prey, snake-eating kites spend most of their lives on land and kill their prey with their feet. According to biologists, they can travel more than 30km a day to hunt snakes, insects and many other animals.

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Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 6.

The strength of the snake-eating kite lies mainly in its strong legs. They often trample their prey to death or jump around to chase their enemies away.

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Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 8.

“Photographing snake-eating kites is as challenging as other wild animals,” Brian said. “They move very fast and focusing is not simple.”

“Snake-eating kites have a quite friendly appearance, adults can be up to 1.35m tall, weigh 3.3kg with a wingspan of up to 2m.”

Admire some more images of this unique bird:

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Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 12.
Đây là loài chim có hàng mi khiến chị em ghen tỵ - Ảnh 13.

Refer to Wiki/BP

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