The islands are celebrated for breeding seabirds such as Puffin

The Welsh islands of Skokholm and Skomer have been given a six-figure boost to improve their sustainability.

The government has granted £271,038 to the Sustainable and Resilient Skomer and Skokholm Islands project, which is managed by the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW). Financed through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the project seeks to address both islands’ infrastructure challenges and enhance sustainability.

imageThe islands are celebrated for breeding seabirds such as Puffin (Carl Bovis).

Skomer and Skokholm, which are well known for their breeding seabirds, as well as a wealth of other wildlife and cultural heritage, will see a push to reduce water and fossil-fuel usage, improve sustainable energy resources, and enhance accessibility for visitors, volunteers, researchers and WTSWW staff.

Lisa Morgan, Head of Islands and Marine at WTSWW, said: “This project focuses on urgent upgrades to the infrastructure and facilities to reduce energy use and make the islands more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate.”

The project aims to allow WTSWW to engage a broader audience with the islands’ seabirds while continuing its conservation efforts.

7 Things You Didn't Know About the Puffin

The money will facilitate essential upgrades on Skomer Island, including replacement of the solar hot-water system, new windows for improved insulation, and repairs to visitor accommodation. These changes aim to enhance living and working conditions on the island while reducing energy consumption.

Skokholm will see improvements to solar energy storage, with the replacement of old batteries, and enhanced water transportation efficiency through the acquisition of a 1,000-litre water bowser.

Puffin - Wikipedia

Morgan added: “We are looking forward to working with the Strategic Funding Team at Pembrokeshire County Council to make our ambitious plans a reality in 2024.”

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