The country of Egypt, known for its ancient culture, is one of the two oldest civilizations in the world

The country of Egypt, known for its long-standing culture, is one of the two most ancient civilizations in the world. This is also a civilization with many mysteries that humans have not yet fully discovered. They have complex religious rituals with deep mythological imprints, following a polytheistic religion.Each god was built to be linked together in the same legend system to explain the religious rituals of the ancient Egyptians . They secretly govern and protect different elements in life such as people, plants, animals… including the internal organs of the dead and the water of the Nile River . The following are the main gods most mentioned in the daily lives of the Egyptian people.

God Heru Wer (Horus)

Protector of Egypt: He is the most powerful god, considered the king of the gods, who leads the Pharaohs (Kings of Egypt) on the path to rule the country. God Heru Wer is the representative of the sky, he has the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. Legend has it that when he opens his right eye, the sun will shine brightly, and when he opens his left eye, the moonlight will illuminate the ground. It is He who stands behind and supports the god Ra – the god in charge of the sky and earth.

>>> Read more: Decoding the Mystery of the Pyramid Curse of the Ancient PharaohsGod Usir (Osiris)

Ruler of the Underworld: Once the god of nature, he brought Egypt fertile land, abundant harvests, taught people important knowledge such as baking, law, etc. God Usir He was greatly respected by the ancient Egyptians , so he was killed by his younger brother, God Set. After being revived by his wife, the god Aset, but due to his disappointment, he stayed and ruled the underworld with his mercy. God Usir takes the form of a man wrapped in embalming cloth with a white crown with feathers, he always carries with him a hook and a staff.

God AsetRuler of the Earth: Wife of the god Usir. After the god Usir sacrificed himself to protect his children from the god Set, Aset took over the authority to rule the earth from the god Ra. This goddess often appears with her arms wide open to protect her. How to chant spells to save people in distress. People also call Aset the goddess of fertility, she is credited with teaching Egyptian women housekeeping skills and wedding rituals, etc. When trying to revive her husband – god Usir, she also developed the first Egyptian embalming techniques .

God Inpu (Anubis)Mummy God: Son of the god Set, since childhood he has always cared about souls and he felt like he belonged to them, this reason made him decide to go to the underworld to rule over the dead. Inpu borrowed the head of a desert dog, but his whole body was black instead of yellow like the fur of this dog because black is the color of the underworld. After learning that his father Set had killed Usir in a despicable way, Inpu ceded control of the underworld to Usir to show his respect. He only protects orphans, wandering souls and oversees funerals.

God Imhotep (Imuthes)God of Medicine and Architecture: He was the first doctor, engineer and architect of Egypt. God Imhotep thought about timeless tombs and designed the Pyramids – great works of the ancient Egyptians. >>> Read more: Egyptian Pyramid – The World’s Tallest Building For 4400 Years

God Set (Seth)Evil god: In Egyptian mythology, the god Set symbolizes chaos and storms. This god has a human body and a head that is half dog and half anteater, extremely ugly. God Set used despicable tricks to kill his brother, god Usir, to steal the throne and then be overthrown by Horus – son of god Usir.

God Tehuti (Thoth)God of Wisdom: He is described as a god with a human body and the head of a stork, but sometimes he turns his head into a baboon. It can be said that this is the most important god because understanding and morality are always important to humans. Through his knowledge he gave people voice and taught them philosophy and prayer. He also gave humans writing to take notes, numbers to calculate things in the sky, the stars…


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