Interior of Michael Jordan’s 60 million pound yacht

Michael Jordan spent 60 million pounds to buy the super yacht Joy in 2019, four years after becoming the first sports star to become a billionaire. As soon as he finished buying the yacht, the 58-year-old legend invited his friends to cruise the waters of St Barts on the vehicle…

Legend Michael Jordan explains why Stephen Curry is not the best PG in history

Even though he is not playing and is on summer break, Stephen Curry still makes many people mention his name after his answer about the best PG in basketball history. When asked by former NBA star Gilbert Arena if “you are the best point guard ever…

LeBron James, a rare billionaire in the sports world

Although he has not finished his basketball career in the NBA, LeBron James has had many investments outside of his personal assets, helping him soon become a billionaire before retiring. This is the difference between LeBron and his senior Michael Jordan when this superstar only joined…