Expectations vs. Reality: 30 Species of Ducks in North America

Ducks are a beloved bird in North America, often seen waddling around wetlands and lakes. From the majestic Mallard to the curious Wood Duck, these feathered friends have inspired many with their beauty and grace. In this article, we’ll explore 30 of …

The Top 6 Often Held Myths About Owls

The remarkable appearance of owls, combined with the nocturnal behaviors and eerie calls they make, has long been able to capture the human imagination. As a result of this, there are a great number of myths about owls that have spread throughout a variety …

8 Surprising Behaviors Exhibited by Scarlet Tanagers

Scarlet tanagers are one of the most strikingly beautiful birds in North America, with their colorful plumage and unique feeding behavior. These migratory birds are known for their distinctive song and fascinating behavior, making them a popular subject …

Feathered Furies: Ten of the World’s Most Terrifying and Formidable Birds!

Birds can be found all over the planet. Some are small and harmless, while others are more dangerous. Some of the birds in the latter group are even known to attack humans… but most are merely predators of other animals. In this article we list some of …

Rescue the crocodile from the frozen swamp by the man

The video of rescuing a crocodile from a frozen swamp attracted more than 9.5 million views after spreading on Twitter. What especially confuses netizens is how this reptile survives in freezing temperatures for such a long time? Fish …

Five fascinating bird facts you might not be aware of!

Vultures can eat meat infected with anthrax. This is extremely accurate information and the vultures will certainly not be harmed. Of course, they can transmit diseases if other animals eat their carcasses. In fact, vultures can eat anything,…

Admiring list of the rarest and most unique bird species in S Country

December 15, 2023 07:06 1. Mosquito-billed Owl: Beautiful and precious bird, usually living in broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 900-1,900 m. Their dark brown fur with small white dots helps them easily hide. 2. Thirsty: A beautiful and strange bird, with a light black upper body,…

Earliest Wooden Tools in Zambia

Rarely has a single find changed scholars’ views of the capabilities of people of the past as radically as the discovery of the world’s earliest known wooden architecture, which dates to nearly half a million years ago. The pair of interlocking logs joined …

Have You Known About Special Falcon in Different Region?

In this article we’ll cover a few species of North American falcons, more specifically the falcons in Mississippi. There are only 5 types of falcons in the North America, out of these 5 there are 3 species in the state of Mississippi. Those species are …

Wow! Did You Know about 15 Facts About American Kestrels?

The American Kestrel is the most common falcon in North America. This small but mighty predator may not be impressive in terms of size, but it makes up for it with its other attributes. What makes the American kestrel so special? Keep reading to learn …