
Quest for the World’s Best Birds: A Thrilling Encounter with the Blue Bird-of-paradise on a Steep Hillside

Departing in darkness we made it to a steep hillside, which we did not exactly fly up, but with the promise of one of the World’s best birds, Blue Bird-of-paradise , possibly waiting near the end our pace was a little quicker than it might have been! …

Birds are in danger of extinction because of… wrong love

A purebred black-eared blackbird in Victoria – Photo: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board Black-eared blackbirds mainly reside in some green areas in the states of South Australia and Victoria (Australia), often loved by enthusiasts. Play your favorite bird of prey…

TP.HCM: Nhiều loài động vật thiên nhiên về sống giữa phố xá, có cả chim quý hàng nghìn đô - Ảnh 5.

The Priceless Nature’s Treasures: Exotic Birds Valued at Thousands of Dollars Thriving Amidst the Urban Jungle

The image of a flock of pigeons flying above Notre Dame Cathedral (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City) every morning has become familiar in the minds of many people. Regularly at 6 a.m., squirrels, pigeons, and sparrows will gather in front of the church, waiting for breakfast of rice,…

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 1.

Bringing the “golden phoenix” home to raise, the man had just shown off the photo when an expert came to his house

The sudden appearance of the “golden phoenix” In 1983, Quach Ton Toa, 29 years old, from Shanxi, China, was born into a family of forest keepers. At the age of 29, Quach Ton Toa did not pursue the excitement of the city but chose to follow in his father's footsteps…

Phát hiện bất ngờ: Quạ có khả năng tự nhận thức giống con người, trí khôn tương đương khỉ đột - Ảnh 2.

Unexpected discovery: Crows have the same self-awareness as humans and intelligence equivalent to gorillas

You may not know, crows are extremely intelligent. They can use tools to get what they want, like how New Caledonian crows on an island of the same name in the South Pacific know how to shape tree branches into hooks to catch insects from rotting logs. …

Top 10 most ferocious prehistoric birds in the world

Although these birds no longer exist today, the level of terror they caused is legendary. According to fossils remaining today, Titans is a raptor belonging to the Phorusrhacidae family, living in North America during the…

Suseme Odori was influenced by the Tree Sparrow’s fluffing

All about the Tree sparrow Venerated and vilified, celebrated and victimised, the Tree sparrow has had far fewer ups than downs since the turn of the 20th century. Let’s take a look at the intriguing story behind the bird whose existence is underpinned …

Touched by Tranquility: The Enchanting Elegance of Water Birds

On the morning of May 27, the photo contest “Waterbirds in Vietnam” opened the exhibition and awarded prizes in Ho Chi Minh City. In the photo are two species of spoonbill – European spoonbill (left) and black-faced spoonbill at Xuan Thuy National Park (Nam Dinh) – by author Le Duc Hien, winner of the…

20 Unlikely Long-Legged Birds

There are many body types among birds, but none evokes more beauty or joy than that of the long-legged ones. Cranes especially have been revered as graceful hunters, and the long legs of all these birds serve as stilts for their primarily aquatic habitats. …

Let’s learn about differences in light according to the weather and time of day

Canon Bird Branch Project | Biodiversity Initiatives | How to photograph wild birds Lesson 22 | Let’s learn about differences in light according to the weather and time of day. Light is very important in photography. The strength of the light and the …