Stylish and Social, Winter Waxwings Provide a Wonderful Challenge

When you hear a chorus of high-pitched see! notes overhead, expect a good time: A rambunctious flock of waxwings is on its way. Highly social birds that appear to have no sense of personal space, North America’s two waxwing species—Bohemian and Cedar—also …

Saving the last birds. The quiet departure of avian species indicates city’s fast-deteriorating environment

Updated 14 Jan, 2024 It will not be easy for the PTI support base to come to terms with the move. 14 Jan, 2024 THE year-over-year upswing of 13.4pc in workers’ remittances during December is indeed good news for a country… 14 Jan, 2024 THIS country …

Winged Whimsy: A Spectacle of Gorgeous Birdy Locks

Updated 14 Jan, 2024 It will not be easy for the PTI support base to come to terms with the move. 14 Jan, 2024 THE year-over-year upswing of 13.4pc in workers’ remittances during December is indeed good news for a country… 14 Jan, 2024 THIS country …

Honeyguides: Wild birds can communicate and work together with humans

In the dense savannas of southern Africa, an extraordinary partnership exists between humans and the larger honeyguide bird (scientific name: Indicator indicator). Specifically, these birds will show local honey hunters…

Pitohui: The first and only bird on the planet recorded to be poisonous

The Melanesians of Papua New Guinea have long avoided pitohui birds, but to the Western world, the bird's poisonous abilities were discovered by accident just over three decades ago. In 1990, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher…

Why do some birds have blue eggs?

As you may know, evolution contains many complexities and mysteries that we have been unraveling since Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. Still There are many wonderful discoveries to be made when we…

A special biological mechanism helps a bird fly 13,560km in one go, setting a Guinness record.

The website of the Guinness Book of Records has just officially confirmed a record of a bird belonging to the striped-tailed godwit (godwit is a large seabird with a long and pointed beak), also known as Limosa lapponica. Codenamed by scientists…

When it rains, where will the birds take shelter?

Birds are very unique creatures in nature, including raptors, waterfowl, songbirds, climbing birds, wading birds and others. Some bird species choose to accompany humans and congregate near human buildings. So some people wonder…

Cách đây 100 năm, người đàn ông phóng sinh 60 con chim lạ khiến nước Mỹ thiệt hại 1 tỷ đô mỗi năm - Ảnh 1.

100 years ago, a man released 60 strange birds, causing America to lose $1 billion a year

Releasing exotic animals into new environments can lead to serious impacts. Because this behavior can make it difficult for these animals to survive and affect the local ecological balance, even causing species invasion. …

Findings of researchers in Europe: Birds have used anti-bird spikes to make nests

Urban birds have long used objects in human settlements to make nests. In recent years, researchers have found things like cigarettes and rubber wedged between sticks and moss. But recently they were surprised when…