A pair of strikingly beautiful crowned crane birds from South Africa

Aaron Logan – License Information.

Grey Crowned Crane
© Aaron Logan / Creative Commons (Original)
Cranes at the Ueno Zoo, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan
© Fg2 – Public Domain

Cranes at the Ueno Zoo, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Japanese crane with chicks
© OpenCage / Creative Commons (Original)

Japanese crane with chicks.

A pair of strikingly beautiful crowned crane birds from South Africa

Types of Crane birds
© Four Oaks/Shutterstock.com

A pair of strikingly beautiful crowned crane birds from South Africa.

Types of Crane birds - Common Crane
© iStock.com/Piotr Krzeslak

A Common crane (Grus grus) spreads its wings. These types of Crane birds spend the breeding season in northern Eurasia and then travels south, sometimes even as far as sub-Saharan Africa, for the winter.

Types of Crane birds - Sandhill Crane
© iStock.com/WMarissen

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) walking in a grass field, Kissimmee, Florida, USA. These types of Crane birds are among the most common and populous cranes.

Types of Crane birds - Sarus Crane
© kajornyot wildlife photography/Shutterstock.com

A couple of Eastern Sarus Crane (Grus antigone) at Huay Jorrakaemak Reservoir Non-Hunting Area, Thailand. These types of Crane birds are the tallest flying birds in the world.

Types of Crane birds - Black-Crowned Crane
© iStock.com/Musat

A Black Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina) on one leg, looking for insects. This type of Crane bird is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa.

Types of Crane birds - Demoiselle Crane
© iStock.com/vyasphoto

A Demoiselle Crane standing among yellow and white daisies. This type of Crane bird is endemic to the wetlands, streams, and lakes of Eurasia.

Types of Crane birds - Brolga
© Cezary Wojtkowski/Shutterstock.com

The Brolga (Antigone rubicunda), formerly known as the native companion, is a bird in the crane family. This type of Crane bird has been given the name Australian crane.

What Do Crane Flies Eat - Crane Fly On Leaf
© iStock.com/Aschen
What Do Crane Flies Eat - Crane Fly Larvae
© iStock.com/Janny2
Crane Fly - Close Up of Crane Fly
© iStock.com/peter bocklandt
What Do Sandhill Cranes Eat - Sandhill Crane Hunting
© iStock.com/Bkamprath
What DO Sandhill Cranes Eat - Family Picture
© iStock.com/Bkamprath
Largest Crane - Sarus Crane
© vanchai/Shutterstock.com

They are the least social crane species but still form lifelong pair bonds, congregate in small family groups, and join large flocks outside the breeding season.

Largest Crane - Wattled Crane
© Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock.com
Largest Cranes - Red-crowned Crane
© asharkyu/Shutterstock.com
Largest Crane - Brolga
© Wright Out There/Shutterstock.com
Largest Cranes - Sandhill Crane
© Tom Zeman/Shutterstock.com

Largest Crane - Common Crane

© Piotr Krzeslak/Shutterstock.com
Largest Cranes - Black-necked Crane
© Perry chang/Shutterstock.com
Largest Animals - White-naped Crane
© Wang LiQiang/Shutterstock.com
Birds with the craziest hair: Demoiselle Crane
© iStock.com/Robert Nieznanski
Crane fly
© iStock.com/maselkoo99

Crane flies have legs that are twice the length of their bodies

Birds with mohawks: Grey Crowned Crane
© iStock.com/Kateryna Kukota
Highest Flying Birds-Common crane
© Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock.com

Common Crane, Grus grus, in Lake Hornborga, Sweden. Cranes fly so high they even fly over the Himalayas.

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