A Beautifully, Clearly Colored, But Extremely Shy Bird That Sticks Out Despite Their Best Attempts To Stay Unnoticed – Meet The Laughing Thrush, Red-tailed

Red tailed laughingthrush ( trochalopteron milnei ) - YouTube

A medium-sized, exquisitely, distinctively colored, though thoroughly shy bird that doesn’t like to stray far from its habitat.

Meet the Red-tailed laughingthrush

Red-tailed Laughingthrush - eBird

The red-tailed laughingthrush (Trochalopteron milnei), is a species of bird in the Leiothrichidae family. Measuring 26-28 cm and weighing in at 66-93 grams this medium-sized laughing thrush is subtle ochrous-grey, with a bright rufous-chestnut brown and black face and white ear-coverts.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush - Shanghai Birding 上海观鸟

Their wings and tail are crimson.

Females like very similar to males though slightly duller.


Photo Courtesy of Kitty Terwolbeck / CC BY 2.0

Red-tailed laughing thrush is endemic to and found in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and China.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush - eBird

These birds prefer to inhabit the understorey of broadleaf evergreen forests strictly in mountainous areas in altitudes between 1800 and 2500 meters.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush - 紅尾噪鶥 | Khướu đuôi đỏ | Hanh Dung | Flickr

Red-tailed laughing thrush dines mainly on insects, berries, and fruit, especially the Saurauja species.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush - eBird

During the breeding season, from April through to June, a cup-shaped nest is built by both sexes made from grasses and bamboo leaves. Built about one meter above the ground, 2-3 eggs are laid within and incubated for 17-18 days. Once the chicks have hatched they are fed by both parents and become fledged in 14-16 days.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron milnei) 红尾噪鹛| Flickr

Due to this species-wide range and relatively stable population it is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN list of bird species.

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