30 New Images By Jyo John Mulloor Featuring Tiny Versions Of Wild Animals And They Might Melt Your Heart P1

Jyo John Mulloor is back on Bored Panda with a bunch of new images featuring adorable little versions of wild animals. These cuties are so small, they could fit right in the palm of your hand. The project, titled “Macro World”, has already won over many people, and its first part was also featured on Bored Panda.

Scroll down for that ‘awww’ moment. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and upvote your favorite animals!

This Artist Specializes In Creating Tiny Animal Portraits, And Here’s Some Of His Work (30 New Pics)

Jyo John Mulloor began his career as a digital artist in 2006 and has maintained an “unwavering passion” to pursue personal projects alongside his daily job as a designer. “I vividly recall the exhilaration I felt when Bored Panda finally featured my Human Head Helmet in 2013, which only served to fuel my creative drive even further. I continue to nurture this passion, constantly generating innovative ideas to showcase captivating visuals that push the boundaries of what is possible within my craft,” the artist shared with Bored Panda.

This Artist Specializes In Creating Tiny Animal Portraits, And Here’s Some Of His Work (30 New Pics)

This Artist Specializes In Creating Tiny Animal Portraits, And Here’s Some Of His Work (30 New Pics)

“Despite my years of experience as a visual artist, I remain as passionate as ever about exploring new frontiers in the world of art and technology. AI has opened up a world of possibilities that I never thought possible, and I look forward to seeing where this exciting new journey takes me.”

This Artist Specializes In Creating Tiny Animal Portraits, And Here’s Some Of His Work (30 New Pics)

This Artist Specializes In Creating Tiny Animal Portraits, And Here’s Some Of His Work (30 New Pics)

Jyo John Mullor has previously described to us what his creative process looks like. It all starts with brainstorming an idea. He begins by sketching out some rough visuals in a book, before moving on to creating the images using specific prompts.

“For each project, I customize my prompts to ensure that I achieve the desired result. However, as many are aware, mid-journey AI-generated images are not always accurate. To overcome this obstacle, I employ a multi-step process to ensure the final image is as realistic as possible. I generate multiple images using AI and then combine them in Photoshop before meticulously repainting over the top to create a more lifelike result. This process may be time-consuming, but the end result is always worth the effort.”

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