10 animals with strange appearances that you rarely see on the internet

Nature has so many wonderful things that you haven’t (wanted) to see! For example, have you encountered a frog with a carefree face but a sad story behind it, or a lizard with a dream of becoming a Spiderman? If not, let’s meet them soon, of course through the photos below.

1. Budapest Highflyer

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Hello, I’m the ugly pigeon!

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The Budapest Highflyer is a breed of pigeon developed through many years of breeding. Like its other pigeon cousins, the Budapest Highflyer is a descendant of the rock pigeon. This species is most common in its native Hungary.

2. Damascus goat as a child and as an adult

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“A smile is always on the lips, the world still spins”, so happy, blea…

This goat species always has a unique head and mouth shape. Mainly raised in Syria, Cyprus and Lebanon for milk.

3. Turtle Frog “muscle”

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His eyes were very determined and his shoulders were muscular

Another amazing animal of Australian nature! Western Australian turtle frogs have small heads, short legs, round bodies and can be up to 4.5cm long (big enough to be discovered by humans and howl in fear). It loves to eat termites, so it has developed muscular limbs to dig termite nests!

4. The hammerhead worm (and it’s a carnivore)

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That’s the name, but its head looks more like an anchor, right? This animal is scarier than you think, it is classified as an invasive species by the US and Europe. Reason? Hammerhead worms are predators of earthworms, and earthworms dig and dig, which greatly helps the growth of plants.

5. Bat-nosed “cap”

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Bat fun!

The special pointed nose is unique to this species. In addition, it is normal like any other bat species. And rest assured, if you don’t go to the forests of South America, you will never meet them.

6. Madagascar leaf-nosed snake

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You’re like a leaf, a branch, when you touch it, you bite me (not dead, but painful)

Leaf-nosed snake: when life is short and you were created with a nose that is too long! But this snake isn’t nosy, its “nose” is actually keratin that helps it camouflage in Madagascar.

By the way, did you know: the island of Madagascar is known as the “8th continent” of the world because of so many strange animals. (Australia is the same but it makes up most of Australia/Oceania)!

7. “Big Brother” Harpy Eagle

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“Does your face look like you care?”

This is the largest bird of prey found in the Americas and one of the world’s largest extant eagles. So, do you understand the cool look of the Harpy eagle’s “brother and sister” yet?

8. Deer pig with curved fangs and horns

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“What do you think?”

These strange pigs live on several Indonesian islands. They eat very well, including both fruit and meat. The sharp horns of boars are said to help intimidate, attack enemies or camouflage in jungle environments.

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This horn is also called the tusk

What’s even scarier is knowing that the male deer’s upper fangs are so curved and large that they “neatly flatten” the meat on the muzzle to penetrate outwards (luckily, they are rarely long enough to pierce the eyes). ! This animal is in danger of extinction due to hunting.

9. Budgett Frog: “a smiling mouth makes the heart hurt a hundred times more”

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Behind a smiling frog…

This smiling frog seems to say: “just be happy because life allows”! But sometimes life is not very happy. The Budgett frog is experiencing habitat loss in the savanna regions of South America.

10. “Look at me, do I look like Spider-man”?

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Peak charisma and peak clinging ability

But no, “you” is a lizard named Agama mwanzae from Africa. And if you ever go to Africa to visit your sister, remember to take the time to stand in the shade at noon, when lizards come out and bask on the rocks.

They have very distinctive colors: the male’s head, neck and shoulders are bright red or purple, while the body is blue. The female has a brown body, so it is difficult to distinguish from… rocks and other lizards.

Which animal do you see as the most special? Leave a comment below!

(Reference: Brightside)

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