Why do sparrows eat seeds but feed their young with worms?

Sparrows are the most common birds, there are them everywhere, from the edges of villages, drying yards to rice fields… Just looking at their conical, short and strong beak is enough to know how “evil” they peck at seeds. . Yet during the breeding season, they are busy looking for worms for their young birds.

Sparrows have a stout, short body with brown, black, white feathers and rounded wings; round head, short tail and stiff, conical bill.

"Bird Sparrows have a stout, short body with brown, black, and white feathers.

Sparrows build nests under roofs, under bridges or in tree hollows, or even on electric wires hanging in the air. At this time, the male sparrow will be responsible for building the nest and at the same time trying to seduce the females. Any female sparrow that agrees to mate with a male sparrow will build a nest together. However, this bird is proven to be unfaithful.

Sparrows breed in spring and summer, when the sun is warm and insects bloom. Female sparrows lay 3-5 eggs per clutch; The eggs will be incubated within 12-15 days. Both father and mother birds work together to care for the eggs and chicks. They look for worms and directly feed their baby sparrows. After 15 days of birth, baby sparrows will be able to leave the nest and fly normally.

What Do Sparrows Eat? 25+ Foods They Crave - A-Z Animals

Because young sparrows need high nutrition to grow quickly and have poor stomach function, unable to crush and digest seeds, mother sparrows are forced to use worms to feed their babies.

Sparrows are one of the most numerous birds in the world. From high-rise buildings in the city to fields in the countryside, we can see the presence of this bird everywhere.

It is known that sparrows are a bird that mainly eats seeds . Every day, they often visit fields and places with cereal crops to look for food. However, when the breeding season comes, this bird chirps to find worms for its young.

Chim sẻ nuôi con. Sparrows raise their chicks.

According to many bird research experts, the reason for this is because young birds mature quickly, so their metabolism is very strong . Therefore, young sparrows need to be provided with adequate nutritious food to serve their daily development needs.

Besides, because when they are young, the function of the digestive system is not fully developed, so the young sparrow’s stomach cannot digest fruits and hard grains. Therefore, mother sparrows are forced to find foods with high nutritional content and softness to feed their chicks, and foods that have all of the above elements are insects, locusts, grasshoppers…

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However, it is not true that parent sparrows will feed their chicks with insects until adulthood, but will only use this food until the chicks can digest grains. At that time, they will begin to let their baby sparrows eat seeds.

In the wild, not only sparrows have this strange way of raising their children. Typically, in China there is a rare bird called the Sand-capped Hornbill , also known as the Rhinoceros . This is a bird that mainly eats fruit, but during the breeding season, parents often catch the young of other birds or small animals to feed their young.

"Bird Sparrows can fly at a speed of 38km/h and accelerate to 50km/h if necessary.

Sparrows can fly very fast to escape predators. The main enemies of sparrows are dogs, cats, foxes and snakes. It often builds nests under roofs, under bridges or in tree hollows.

Worms again? Yay! | Pet birds, Exotic birds, Backyard birds

The male bird will be responsible for building the nest and in the process, he will try to seduce the females. The female bird will help the male bird build a nest if the female bird is “interested” in mating with the male.

The sparrow is the only bird that has a day named after itself , “World Sparrow Day”The World Sparrow Day – WSD on March 20 every year .

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