Top 30 Precious and Most Beautiful Birds on the Planet

Are you an animal lover, especially rare birds that have beautiful beauty and have a merry voice? Then surely the information shared in the article below will be extremely useful to you!

1. Oriole

The Oriole is one of the beautiful passerine birds, found in tropical regions of South Asia, India, Sri Lanka and Eastern Indonesia. The Oriole is quite small in size, but flies very fast. The bird has quite a striking plumage with yellow as the main color and a bit of black in the wings and eyes. In addition to the attractive beauty bestowed by nature, Vang Anh also possesses 16 melodious singing voices. Makes many listeners feel excited.

Chim Vàng Anh


The Oriole is one of the bird species that has the habit of living independently, not in flocks. Only when winter comes do they migrate together to tropical areas to hide and breed. The food of Orioles is quite simple because they are omnivores, the main food source is insects, fruits and honey .

2. Nightingale

The Nightingale is one of the popular ornamental birds in Vietnam, belonging to the deep bird group. It has a small body, only about the size of an adult’s fist. The color of the Lark Ca’s fur is very diverse, but it is mainly yellow on the head, black, a little brown on the upper body and white on the belly.

Các Loài Chim - Chim Sơn Ca

Birds – Nightingales

In addition to the fact that the Lark is a beautiful bird, it is also one of the birds with a very beautiful voice and is easy to raise. Food for Son Ca is quite simple, only including worms, cereal grains, rice,…

3. Wagtail

Wagtails are one of the wild birds, native to continental Europe, Asia and North Africa. It has a slender shape, its adult body length is about 16 – 21cm. The basic fur color is gray on the back and white below the belly. The eyes on both sides of the face are slightly white while the beak and throat are black.

Chim Chìa Vôi


Wagtails usually live alone, not gathering in flocks like other birds. In the natural environment, their main food is insects, worms and berries.

Last updated on:April 28, 2024 10:45 pm

4. The crested bird

The Chao Mao is one of the indoor ornamental birds that is loved by many birders. Mao Maos often live in herds, eating small insects and fruits. When making nests, they will wrap straw and small twigs to form a small cup shape.

Chim Chào Mào

Crested Bird

The easiest identifying feature of the Chao Mao among other birds is the triangular crest that protrudes above the head. The bird’s feathers are light brown on the upper body, gradually darker on the head and crest, and the belly is opaque white.

5. Penguins

Of all the birds in the world, penguins are perhaps the birds with the most adorable shapes and live in the coldest environments. They have very thick, soft fur that helps penguins withstand cold air.

Adult penguins can be from 40cm – 1.1m tall and weigh from 5 – 35kg. In water they can swim very well, but not at a very fast speed. On the ground they will move by walking, not able to fly like other birds.

Các Loại Chim - Chim Cánh Cụt

Types of Birds – Penguins

Penguins often live in groups, with a large number of up to 30 birds. The food of these penguins is mainly fish such as herring, imitation fish, anchovies, cod and mackerel.

6. Phung Yen Bird

Phung Yen or Hong Kong parrot is a bird native to Hong Kong and the forests of Australia. Yen Phung belongs to the macaw group, with a small appearance. When mature, this bird is only about 18cm long including the tail.

Yen Phung’s head is quite round with a long beak curled to the ground, and bright black eyes look very alert. Its fur is also very colorful, a combination of many colors such as blue, green, red, yellow, orange, black,…

Chim Yến Phụng

Phung Yen Bird

Yen Phung usually live in pairs, stay together for a long time and breed all year round, especially in the summer . After the Yen Phung’s chicks hatch and mature, the father and mother birds will fly away to let the chicks become independent. Yen Phung is an omnivorous bird, so they will eat everything such as: insects, worms, acorns, rice,…

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7. Babbler

The Babbler bird has the scientific name Timaliidae, and is one of the birds of the passerine order. Babblers have a small shape, with soft, glossy black fur, round wings, and quite long and strong legs. It is a bird that flies very well and rarely moves on the ground.

Các Loại Chim - Chim Khướu

Types of Birds – Babblers

Babblers’ food is quite simple and inexpensive, because Babblers drink a lot of water instead of eating food. The Babbler’s main food is usually bananas mixed with bran or rice mixed with eggs and peanut powder.

8. Nightingale

The Nightingale’s English name is Nightingale and its scientific name is Garrulax Canorus, belonging to the Gamulax group. The Nightingale is a natural bird, native to China, Laos and Vietnam. Following the wave of migration and territorial expansion, this bird species seems to have appeared in almost every country in the world.

Hoa Mi has a quite small design, smooth fur with a single color tone of brown. Of all the birds, this is the bird with an extremely sweet and easy-to-listen song. Therefore, Hoa Mi is very popular with many ornamental bird enthusiasts in Vietnam.

Chim Hoa Mi


The main food when raising Nightingales in cages is bird bran, but in the natural environment, this bird will eat worms and berries.

9. Peacock

Among all bird species, Peacocks are large birds, belonging to the pheasant family. Peacocks originate from two countries: China and India. They have a quite special shape, especially the peacock’s tail.

Peacocks are famous for their shiny and colorful tail feathers. The peacock’s tail can be up to 5 feet long, making it the largest flying bird in the world. In fact, the peacock’s long tail accounts for 60% of its total length. During the breeding season, these colorful, glittering tails like gems are what help peacocks attract females. For female peacocks, there is no difference in size, but the female peacock’s tail is not as long and colorful as the male peacock’s.

Chim Công Các Loài Chim


Peacocks are omnivores, their main food source is grains and green vegetables and they can also eat corn, rice, paddy, spinach,… but very little.

Last updated on:April 28, 2024 10:46 pm

10. Starling

Starlings are considered one of the intelligent birds and can imitate human voices similar to parrots. The starling’s shape is not too large, with pure black feathers from head to toe. Starlings are quite aggressive birds, so to tame a starling, the breeder needs to be a bird lover, have passion and patience.

Sáo Các Loại Chim

Starling Bird

The natural foods that Starlings often eat are insects and locusts. If you raise Starlings in a cage, you should feed them bananas, peanuts mixed with eggs, rice, etc.

11. Pet parrot

Parrots are birds of the order Psittacopasserae, living mainly in warm tropical and temperate regions. This is one of the birds with a monosyllabic song, quite similar to humans. That’s why parrots can imitate human voices.

Vẹt Cảnh - Các Loại Chim

Types of Birds – Ornamental Parrots

The size of an adult parrot is not too large, can be from 20 – 30 cm long and weigh from 1.2 – 2Kg. This bird has quite long and extremely colorful feathers, with a mixture of many colors such as orange, red, yellow, green, blue, etc. The main food for pet parrots is usually bird bran and millet. peeled, red millet, rice, canary, corn,…

12. Cuckoo

The cuckoo bird’s scientific name is Streptopelia Chinensis, a bird belonging to the pigeon family. Currently, there are many types of Cuckoo birds such as Earth Cuckoo, Tile Cuckoo, Luong Cuckoo, Fire Cuckoo, Lotus Cuckoo… But the size and color of their feathers are not too different, with the head, nape and The belly surface is light brown and slightly purple-pink. The bill is short and black, the legs are reddish-gray and the eyes are brownish with red edges. On Cu Cuc’s neck there is a white polka dot circle that looks like a feng shui bracelet .

Chim Cu Gáy

Cuckoo Bird

Compared to other birds, Cuckoos are birds that can fly quite low, live and eat in flocks. The main food of the Cuckoo bird is rice.

13. Earth Phoenix

The Earth Phoenix is a bird of the Crow family, but has the longest tail of any bird in the Crow family. This bird originates from the dense forests of mainland India, the Himalayas, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. The size of an adult Phoenix can be up to 68cm long and weigh about 196 – 232 grams. The bird’s feathers are also quite prominent, with blue as the main color mixed with a bit of white, red and black. The tail feathers and wings are quite long, so when the Phoenix flies, it looks very beautiful.

Phượng Hoàng Đất

Land Phoenix – Types of Birds

The foods these birds eat are amphibians such as frogs, frogs, tadpoles, etc.

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14. Kingfisher

The kingfisher, also known as the blue kingfisher, belongs to a group of small-sized birds with big heads, long, pointed beaks, short legs and short legs. Their plumage is very colorful, mainly blue, mixed with a little orange, red, brown, white, etc. This bird originates from Africa, and now Kingfishers have appeared on many other continents. like Asia and America.

Boi Ca Cac Loai Chim


Kingfishers often live alone and independently since adulthood. To find food, they will dive into the water to catch fish and eat them alive.

15. Wild lemongrass bird

The wild lemongrass bird, also known as the Indian lemongrass bird, is one of the bird species of the Lemongrass family. This bird is found in the forests of Asia, Iraq and Indochina. The bird has a shape quite similar to a sparrow, differing only in its plumage and reproductive habits. The bird’s feathers are quite long, with two beautiful color tones: brown and blue. During the breeding season, female lemongrass birds will dance a dance by spreading their wings and tail to attract male lemongrass birds.

Sả Rừng Các Loai Chim

Forest Lemongrass – Types of Birds

Wild lemongrass birds usually live alone, they only gather in large flocks when migrating in winter . The food of wild lemongrass birds is also very simple, similar to other natural birds including: insects, worms and berries.

16. Titmouse

The Great Tit is one of the beautiful ornamental birds, native to the Sumatra archipelago, Malaysia and Indochina countries. This bird is quite small in size, its beak is very large, hard and has a strong pecking force. The coat of the Tit Ma is very smooth, some animals will be pure white all over, some will have black body and white cheeks.

Chim Bac Ma


The food of Tit Tit birds is similar to other birds including millet, peanuts, rice seeds, worms, etc.

Last updated on:April 28, 2024 10:46 pm

17. Flamingos

Flamingos are perhaps one of the most easily recognizable birds in the world. Because this bird possesses a very special appearance, with orange-red feathers, slightly lighter on the belly and gradually darker on the neck. An adult Flamingo will be about 1.3 m – 1.5 m tall and weigh up to 3.6 kg. Their necks are very long, their beaks are black and curved downward. The legs of flamingos are relatively long, can be up to 70 – 120 cm.

Chim Hồng Hạc


Currently, Flamingos live on almost every continent, except Antarctica. They often live in large herds, up to thousands of animals. Flamingos’ food includes brine shrimp, plankton and green algae.

18. Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is a bird found in the tropical jungles of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and eastern Australia. This bird is not too large in size, with long, colorful feathers. The Bird of Paradise is the symbol of the nation of Papua New Guinea, printed on both the national flag and national emblem. The main food of this bird is mainly fruit trees, insects and other arthropods.

Chim Thiên Đường

Bird of Paradise

20. Blue Jay

The Blue Jay is one of the most intelligent and beautiful birds in the world. Many scientists found them in the forests of Eastern North America and Western North America. This bird is about the size of an adult hand, with very smooth feathers that are mainly blue, mixed with a bit of white and black, very beautiful.

In addition to its outstanding beauty, the Blue Jay is also famous for being a very intelligent bird. They can imitate the songs and steal chicks and eggs of other birds easily.

Các Loài Chim - Chim Giẻ Cùi Lam

Birds – Blue Jays

Blue Jays are birds that live in small flocks of 4-6 birds. As the end of fall and beginning of winter approaches, this bird will begin migrating to the South with its flock to avoid the winter and begin breeding.

20. Goldfinches

Goldfinches, also known as Bohemian Waxwings, often live in the forests of North America and Eurasia, mostly in Canada and Alaska. Currently, the Goldfinches are considered one of the most beautiful sparrows in the world.

Kim Tước - Các Loài Chim

Goldfinches – Birds

Golden gourd is of average size, with a head with a crest that is slightly curved backwards. The feathers are very smooth, mainly gray brown, with white and yellow edges on the wings. In the winter, they will move in large flocks to the Northwest region of the United States to overwinter. The main food of the Goldfinches is insects and berries.

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21. Ringed Bird

The Vanh Khuyen bird is an ornamental bird of the passerine order, originating from countries in tropical climates such as Australia, Vietnam, and southern Asia. Among birds, Vanh Khuyen is also a bird with a beautiful song, loved by many birders.

Chim Vành Khuyên

Ringed Bird

This bird is quite small in size, only about 3 fingers together. The feather color of Vanh Khuyen is not as prominent as other birds, mainly green with banana buds and a little white on the belly. Ringed Birds usually live alone, not in flocks. The main food of this breed of bird is bran, eggs and beans.

22. Golden Pheasant

The Golden Pheasant is one of the beautiful ornamental birds, found in dense forests in China. The Golden Pheasant has an extremely striking plumage, with a combination of many color tones such as red, yellow, orange, blue, gray, black. Along with quite large size, especially the tail is relatively long up to 127cm.

Trĩ Vàng Các Loài Chim

Golden Pheasant

Birds rarely fly, mainly walking on the ground. The main food of the Golden Pheasant is fruit, seeds and insects.

23. Fertile land sparrow

The colored land sparrow is one of the birds in the passerine family, with a very small shape and living habits similar to other passerine species. However, Colored Sparrows are more special in that they have more colorful plumage, with the perfect combination of red, orange, yellow, blue, black, etc. That is why this bird is often popular. Birdwatchers choose to make ornamental birds to beautify the space.

Chim Sẻ Đất Màu

Fertile Sparrow

Sparrows are birds that live in flocks in quite large numbers. Food is mainly rice and small insects.

Last updated on:April 28, 2024 10:45 pm

24. Lovebird

The lovebird, whose scientific name is Aix galericulata, is one of the bird species related to the Carolina duck in North America. Lovebirds are birds that are very famous for their loyalty, they will stick together for a long time and breed together until the end of their lives.

The size of the Lovebird is quite large, ranging from 41 – 49 cm. The male, also known as the male, has very colorful plumage. With a red beak and large white crescent-shaped feathers above the eyes. The female, also known as the hen, has a similar shape to the female of a Carolina duck. With white fur around the eyes and stripes running back from the eyes. The tip of the female’s bill is usually lighter and has many white stripes on the side.

Uyên Ương Các Loài Chim


The living habits of lovebirds are in flocks, with numbers of up to 15 – 20 birds. The main food of this bird is leaves, rice, bran, and corn.

25. Hummingbird

Hummingbirds, also known as Bee birds, have the scientific name Marveluos spatuletail and originate in North America. This bird is very small in size, only reaching a maximum of 10 – 15cm, with colorful iridescent feathers and beautiful long tail feathers. Of all the birds in the world, Hummingbirds are the only birds capable of flying backwards, at a speed of approximately 50 km/h. This bird’s food is mainly nectar.

Các Loài Chim - Chim Ruồi

Birds – Hummingbirds

26. Atlantic puffins

Puffins, gulls, and sea parrots are birds of the genus Fratercula. This bird has mainly black or black-white plumage, with a stocky body and a large beak compared to its body.

Hải Âu Rụt Cổ Đại Tây Dương

Atlantic Red Seagull

Atlantic puffins have excellent diving abilities, they can dive up to 60 m. They often dive under the sea to hunt sand eels, egg fish and Hake fish.

27. Northern Hoang Anh

Northern Hoang Oanh is a medium-sized natural bird, its beak is relatively strong and pointed. Although the legs are not too long, they are very agile and move quickly on the ground. The fur color of Northern Hoang Oanh is very eye-catching with bright yellow, black feathers on the head and stretching down the two wings, sometimes mixed with a little yellow. This is also a bird with a very beautiful song, every time the bird sings it is very easy to hear, making many people excited.

Hoàng Oanh Phương Bắc - Các Loại Chim

Northern Hoang Oanh – Types of Birds

Northern Hoang Oanh often lives and searches for food in quite large herds. The main food of this bird is fruit, insects and honey.

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28. Boat-billed Toucan

The boat-billed toucan is one of the most uniquely beautiful birds in the world, living in the forests of Mexico and Venezuela. This bird species usually lives in groups of about 30 birds, in natural tree cavities or cavities created by woodpeckers. The boat-billed toucan mainly eats small insects, lizards and eggs to survive the day.

Tocan Mỏ Thuyền

Boat-billed Toucan

They have a fairly large beak, colorful like green, yellow, orange, red and up to 15cm long. During the breeding season, the Boat-billed Toucan will use its large and colorful beak to attract females. And this is also an extremely sharp weapon to defend against enemies.

29. Seo-tailed bird

The seo-tail is a bird found in the tropical forests of Central America. It is a bird that possesses an extremely beautiful beauty, with colorful feathers such as: blue, red, black, brown, gray, green, etc. At the same time, its 10cm long tail is also a feature that helps many are easily identifiable and most impressive. Seo-tails are also omnivorous birds, able to eat everything from lizards, insects, small creatures, even fruit.

Chim Đuôi Seo

Types of Birds – Seo-tailed Birds

The seo bird was considered a divine deity to the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, representing the aristocracy and clergy. On major holidays, people here will wear 2-3 seo tail feathers on their bodies, as if to show respect to the gods.

30. Magpie

Magpies are one of the ornamental birds with unique beauty, possessing a melodious singing voice, very gentle and easy to hear. Their size is quite small, because they belong to the passerine order. The fur is not too prominent because it is mainly black, with a little white on the belly and tail. Although it is a small bird, the Magpie has the ability to fly fast and high. In Vietnam, the Fire Warbler is the most popular bird breed and is loved by many hobbyists.

Chích Chòe Các Loại Chim


Worms, small insects and berries are the main food of Magpies.

The article above is all information about the top 30 most precious and beautiful birds on the planet. Hopefully they will help you choose a bird that has all the elements you want. Don’t forget to regularly follow every day, to update more good and attractive articles as quickly as possible!

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