Hươu cao cổ bạch thể hiếm nhất hành tinh bị giết trơ xương - Ảnh 1.

The rarest white giraffe on the planet was killed to the bone

After not seeing the white-necked deer family for a long time, the reserve reported to the Kenya Wildlife Service to search. When they discovered the skeletons of a mother and her baby deer, they estimated they had been killed at least four months ago,…

What research purpose does this strange ‘zombie bird’ drone have?

Scientists at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology turned bird specimens into drones to study flight. The project leader is Dr. Mostafa Hassanalian, a mechanical engineering professor. He realized that the mechanical birds…

This is a bird with eyelashes that make women jealous

Secretarybird (or snake-eating kite) is the only species in the bird genus of the Sagittariidae family (scientific name Sagittarius serpentarius). The scientific name of the genus “Sagittarius” is the Latin word for “archer”, perhaps due to the comparison of the tube feathers of…

Vì sao loài chim bồ câu gỗ New Zealand được mệnh danh là 'những gã say xỉn trên trời'? - Ảnh 3.

Why are New Zealand wood pigeons known as ‘the drunkards of the sky’ ?

Pigeons are often said to be able to move and find their way thanks to the Earth's magnetic field, the position of the Sun and even infrasound waves. There are many types of pigeons, and they are widely distributed throughout the world. In New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere,…

TP.HCM: Nhiều loài động vật thiên nhiên về sống giữa phố xá, có cả chim quý hàng nghìn đô - Ảnh 5.

The Priceless Nature’s Treasures: Exotic Birds Valued at Thousands of Dollars Thriving Amidst the Urban Jungle

The image of a flock of pigeons flying above Notre Dame Cathedral (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City) every morning has become familiar in the minds of many people. Regularly at 6 a.m., squirrels, pigeons, and sparrows will gather in front of the church, waiting for breakfast of rice,…

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 1.

Bringing the “golden phoenix” home to raise, the man had just shown off the photo when an expert came to his house

The sudden appearance of the “golden phoenix” In 1983, Quach Ton Toa, 29 years old, from Shanxi, China, was born into a family of forest keepers. At the age of 29, Quach Ton Toa did not pursue the excitement of the city but chose to follow in his father's footsteps…

Phát hiện bất ngờ: Quạ có khả năng tự nhận thức giống con người, trí khôn tương đương khỉ đột - Ảnh 2.

Unexpected discovery: Crows have the same self-awareness as humans and intelligence equivalent to gorillas

You may not know, crows are extremely intelligent. They can use tools to get what they want, like how New Caledonian crows on an island of the same name in the South Pacific know how to shape tree branches into hooks to catch insects from rotting logs. …