First mother-daughter burial from Roman times in Austria discovered

Visualization of the findings – a: double burial; b and c: location within the burial ground; d: 2 gold pendants, found as grave goods; e: Documentary photo of the two individuals; f: Documentation photo of the horse (data: City of Wels,, OpenStreetMap, …

Assyriologist claims to have solved archaeological mystery from 700 BC

Late 19th century drawings of the eagle and bull symbols published by French excavator Victor Place. Credit: New York Public Library Ancient symbols on a 2,700-year-old temple, which have baffled experts for more than a century, have been explained by …

Evidence of ancient earthquake found in Jerusalem

The storage vessel after restoration – Photo: Dafna Gazit Israel Antiquities Authority. Medicine: Joseph Bocangolz A team of researchers with the Israel Antiquities Authority has found evidence of a strong earthquake occurring in the city of Jerusalem …

A set of photos of birds growing hands has caused a stir in the online community

Photoshop and the creativity of the online community are truly an interesting gift that the Internet brings to users. The interesting images in the “birds growing arms” trend below will continue to prove that. The trend of “birds growing hands” has actually sparked in…

Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names: Every name tells a story

A Townsend’s Solitaire, one of the species to be renamed. Credit: Jared Del Rosso, CC BY-ND This winter, tens of thousands of birders will survey winter bird populations for the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count , part of an international …

Captive Goffin’s cockatoos found to dunk hard bread to improve its texture

Credit: Biology Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2023.0411 A pair of veterinary medicine researchers at Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna, in Austria, has found that some captive Goffin’s cockatoos prefer to dunk their hard bread …