Enthusiastic fans wait for 10 noises outside Messi’s house with two strange guests and noises inside Messi’s house

Football Electronic Magazine License No. 48/GP-BTTTT issued on February 5, 2020 Editor-in-Chief: Nguyen Tung Dien Copyright ©2011 Bongdaplus.vn © Information can only be republished with written consent edition of Football Electronic Magazine

Revealed video of Mbappe flexing with his teammates in the locker room against Argentina

From 13:08 December 22, 2022 Telefoot revealed a video showing Mbappe standing up to fan his teammates in the locker room at halftime of the World Cup final. The 24-year-old striker was disappointed that France lost 0-2 to Argentina in the first half, and urged the players to…

A Roman Emperor’s Private Theater

Roman emperors were known for many things , among them displaying their superior military and diplomatic skills, penning enduring philosophical treatises, and raising great buildings. The emperor Nero (reigned A.D. 54–68) was famous for, among other less …

The Ancient Sanctuary and the Ritual of Fulgur Conditum

At the beginning of the first century A.D. , lightning struck a sanctuary at a site known as Bagno Grande, or Large Bath. For centuries, the thermal pool there had been sacred to both Etruscans and Romans. When lightning hit, the sanctuary’s priests were …