Cơ hội để Selena Gomez xóa sạch cái tiếng dựa hơi Justin Bieber - Ảnh 2.

Opportunity for Selena Gomez to erase the reputation of being based on Justin Bieber

Since entering the entertainment industry, Selena Gomez has become the focus of international media. To date, she still holds the record of the female star with the most followers on the social network Instagram even though she has not been very active in recent years. In the eyes…

Selena Gomez tiết lộ sai lầm lớn nhất thuở đóng phim Disney, xấu hổ thế nào mà sau 15 năm mới dám nói ra? - Ảnh 5.

Selena Gomez reveals her biggest mistake while filming a Disney movie. How embarrassing is it that she dares to say it after 15 years?

Recently, Selena Gomez appeared on the show Wizards of Waverly Pod, in which she reunited with her Wizards of Waverly Place co-stars Jennifer Stone and David DeLuise. In the movie, Stone plays Harper – Alex's best friend, while DeLuise plays his father…