Ҫatalhöyük is one of the largest Neolithic settlements ever discovered. Built more than 9000 years ago in modern Konya Plain, central Turkey, it is known in archaeology as a proto-city, a link between the cave-dwellings of prehistoric hunter-gatherers and the early urban constructions.

Çatalhöyük Omar Hoftun (CC BY-SA) Ҫatalhöyük is one of the largest Neolithic settlements ever discovered. Built more than 9000 years ago in modern Konya Plain, central Turkey , it is known in archaeology as a proto- city , a link between the cave-dwellings …

7 most mysterious archaeological heritages in the world

Mysteries from ancient times are still a puzzle to modern people. They are always stories that pique the public's interest, perhaps because no one can explain them themselves. and why do those mysteries still exist…