Is it a bird? Kiwi bird tendencies and adaptations are so odd, that they don’t characteristically resemble a bird

Is it a bird? Kiwi bird tendencies and adaptations are so odd, that they don’t characteristically resemble a bird. Kiwi are nocturnal, yet their eyesight is very poor when compared to other nocturnal birds. They sleep in their burrow during the day and …

It’s fairly easy to spot the difference between male and female ostriches

Get your head out of the sand  It’s fairly easy to spot the difference between male and female ostriches. Male ostriches are black with white feathers on the tips of their wings and tail, while females are grey-brown. But why is that? It is thought that …

The New Zealand wood pigeon is a large endemic bird also known in Te Reo Māori as the kererū, or kūkupa and kūku in Northland. 

The New Zealand wood pigeon is a large endemic bird also known in Te Reo Māori as the kererū, or kūkupa and kūku in Northland.  In Te Wao Nui, our sanctuary for native New Zealand species, we have three kererū in our Forest aviary – Rui, Rata and Tawa. …

Introducing our fascinating flock of forty-one Gouldian finches!

Introducing our fascinating flock of forty-one Gouldian finches! These birds are known for their beautiful adult plumage, turning a mix of reds, greens and yellows. The chests of the male birds are bright purple and the females a paler mauve, allowing …

Flamingos build a nest on the ground out of mud, small stones and feathers

Eggs to legs Flamingos build a nest on the ground out of mud, small stones and feathers. It can take a pair up to 6 weeks to build (still quicker than your average house build)! In the nest, the female will lay a single white egg which the parents take …


New bird species discovered in 2023. Many previously unknown bird species were discovered by scientists in many parts of the world

In 2015, many previously unknown bird species were discovered by scientists in many parts of the world. Sci-News page introduces some new typical bird species. Sichuan bush warbler (Locustella chengi) – Photo: Sci-News Warbler…

Birds are in danger of extinction because of… wrong love

A purebred black-eared blackbird in Victoria – Photo: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board Black-eared blackbirds mainly reside in some green areas in the states of South Australia and Victoria (Australia), often loved by enthusiasts. Play your favorite bird of prey…

Phát hiện bất ngờ: Quạ có khả năng tự nhận thức giống con người, trí khôn tương đương khỉ đột - Ảnh 2.

Unexpected discovery: Crows have the same self-awareness as humans and intelligence equivalent to gorillas

You may not know, crows are extremely intelligent. They can use tools to get what they want, like how New Caledonian crows on an island of the same name in the South Pacific know how to shape tree branches into hooks to catch insects from rotting logs. …

Let’s learn about differences in light according to the weather and time of day

Canon Bird Branch Project | Biodiversity Initiatives | How to photograph wild birds Lesson 22 | Let’s learn about differences in light according to the weather and time of day. Light is very important in photography. The strength of the light and the …

The “unbelievable” reason why birds don’t have teeth

Birds currently living on Earth do not have teeth. Let's find out the cause and discover this interesting fact. Birds' beaks are a very fascinating thing for scientists to study. It can be sharp or blunt, light or dark, small or…