Rare ‘mutant’ animals. You can find out more things

Zoom in A rare blue lobster was just caught by fishermen in Canada in June 2012 – Photo: CRI online Zoom in This strawberry-colored crab was found off the coast of Taiwan in 2010 – Photo: CRI online Zoom in Fossil of a…

[PHOTOS] TOP 25 rare and beautiful bird species part 1

Photographer Tim Flach has three goldfish and two Burmese cats. Flach is known for his dramatic portraits. The photographer captured both wild and domesticated animals, but even though he set them against the backdrop of the plains…

10 animals with strange appearances that you rarely see on the internet

Nature has so many wonderful things that you haven't (wanted) to see! For example, have you encountered a frog with a carefree face but a sad story behind it, or a lizard with a dream of becoming a Spiderman? If not, let's meet them right away…

Phát hiện bất ngờ: Quạ có khả năng tự nhận thức giống con người, trí khôn tương đương khỉ đột - Ảnh 2.

Unexpected discovery: Crows have the same self-awareness as humans and intelligence equivalent to gorillas

You may not know, crows are extremely intelligent. They can use tools to get what they want, like how New Caledonian crows on an island of the same name in the South Pacific know how to shape tree branches into hooks to catch insects from rotting logs. …

To exonerate birds that have been exterminated by humans

Dodo – a bird slaughtered to the point of extinction by humans – is always nicknamed “stupid, foolish”. However, a recent study has discovered that this species is quite intelligent with special abilities. Why did the dodo bird become extinct? The dodo bird…