Discovering a mysterious 4,200-year-old “zombie grave” in Germany

German archaeologists accidentally found an area they call a “zombie grave” during inspections to prepare for work to expand the power grid. According to Heritage Daily, the “zombie tomb” was built 4,200 years ago during the Bronze Age, containing…

Found a Roman grave containing the body of a daughter hugging her mother

Analysis results of a double grave in Austria revealed that the two sets of remains were not husband and wife, but a mother and child pair who lived during Roman times. Centuries ago, two people were buried hand in hand on top of a horse in a tomb that is now located in Austria. Posture …

Excavating a 900-year-old ancient tomb suddenly discovered a strange “treasure”.

Archaeologists recently discovered a 12th-century tomb during an archaeological dig and found buried treasure with it. The Jönköping County Museum announced the discovery in a March 27 press release. This discovery occurred…

Mở lăng mộ hoàng tử nhà Minh, cảnh tượng tàn khốc bên trong khiến ai cũng  khiếp sợ

Centuries-old tomb reveals secret about Ming Dynasty prince

Scientists have unearthed jade artifacts, precious jewelry, as well as silk clothing, ceramics and lacquered wooden coffins in the ancient tomb. During the excavation of the tomb of the Ming Dynasty prince – Zhou Cuong, also known as Jin…

Discovering a uniquely decorated tomb of ancient Egypt

A group of experts from the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo recently announced the discovery of an ancient mastaba-type tomb in the Old Kingdom period (Egypt). The uniquely decorated painted mausoleum, in the latest excavations at the Dahshour royal cemetery, is…

Surprises from 1,000 newly excavated ancient tombs

Excavations of a medieval monastery in France have found more than 1,000 graves, including those of victims of the plague as well as the ruins of a nearly 1,200-year-old village. Excavations at Beaumont Abbey show that this monastery was used…

Discovery of pure gold treasure in ancient tombs containing many sacrificed people in Panama

Researchers have found an ancient tomb containing pure gold treasure belonging to a tribal leader at an archaeological park in Panama, according to CBS News on March 4. Panama's Ministry of Culture said the tomb is estimated to be about 1,200 years old and belongs to a leader…

Excavation of 18 ancient tombs in Ukraine, revealing creepy “treasures”.

The 2,400-year-old tombs belong to the Scythians – formidable and terrifying nomadic warriors. According to an article published in the scientific journal PLOS One, researchers analyzed 45 processed leather samples from 18 ancient tombs, excavated from 14 locations…