Non-governmental organizations propose 6 solutions to conserve birds

(TN&MT) – 18 domestic and international non-governmental organizations in Vietnam simultaneously signed an open letter sent to the Prime Minister about the urgency and proposed necessary solutions to preserve bird species. wild, migratory birds in Vietnam.

The open letter clearly states that, in the context of COVID-19’s unpredictable developments, the current widespread hunting, trading and consumption of wild and migratory birds can be a threat to public health, causing More pandemics break out, risking creating a disaster of epidemics, destroying efforts and achievements in preventing the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has scientific evidence confirming that more than 70% of emerging infectious diseases in humans originate from animals, most of which are from wild animals. Besides, this situation also causes biodiversity in Vietnam to decline, in which many bird species have been exterminated to the point of disappearing from nature.

In addition to threats to public health as well as biodiversity, the situation of hunting, trading and consuming wild birds also affects Vietnam’s reputation in the international arena because Vietnam has participated in the Program. Asia-Australia Migratory Bird Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), World Leaders’ Commitment to Nature and many other international conventions and commitments on wildlife protection.


Color-scaled pheasants in captivity

The open letter also clearly points out a number of hot spots related to this situation such as Thanh Hoa bird market (Long An), Chim growing restaurant chain across the country, Tam Nong bird market (Dong Thap),… Even, Areas such as Xuan Thuy national park, Cat Ba, Tram Chim,… are also places where bird hunters operate to supply wild bird markets and restaurants. At the same time, propose 6 measures to preserve wild and migratory birds in Vietnam.

That is, promulgate documents prohibiting eating, slaughtering, storing, transporting, buying, and selling wild and migratory birds; Develop a national plan to protect wild and migratory birds; Join the International Convention on Migratory Species (CMS); Issue a document prohibiting the direct and online advertising, use, and sale of tools to trap and exterminate wild birds, migratory birds, and other types of specialized and homemade tools and means;

In particular, it is necessary to promote and closely monitor the implementation of Directive No. 29/CT-TTg dated July 23, 2020 of the Prime Minister on a number of urgent solutions for wildlife management; amend, supplement and promulgate regulations related to wildlife protection: request ministries, branches and localities to direct, inspect, summarize and evaluate, and promptly reward units that perform well and discipline units that do not strictly implement this Directive. Attach responsibility for protecting wild and migratory birds to People’s Committees at all levels;

Amend, supplement and promulgate relevant legal regulations to protect wild and migratory birds, especially species that play the role of pollinators and natural enemies of rats and harmful insects. as well as strengthening sanctions to handle related violations

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