The cave, sealed for 16,000 years, contains valuable archaeological treasures

When discovering La Garma cave (Spain), archaeologists felt this place was as if it had just been abandoned. La Garma Cave, sealed for 16,000 years, contains an ancient habitat from the Magdalenian period, unique in the world. This is considered…

Unexpected discovery in the belly of a tyrannosaur

New discoveries from dinosaur fossils show that in Canada millions of years ago, meat-eating dinosaurs hunted smaller plant-eating dinosaurs. According to Reuters news agency, scientists on December 8 announced the excavation of fossils…

Found a 3,500-year-old ax used for worship

Five axes recently found in Poland date back 3,500 years ago and may have been used as tools for sacrificial purposes. A metal detector expert in Poland found five Bronze Age axes buried in a forest. Archaeologists say…

7 most mysterious archaeological heritages in the world

Mysteries from ancient times are still a puzzle to modern people. They are always stories that pique the public's interest, perhaps because no one can explain them themselves. and why do those mysteries still exist…

Đào đường xây cầu, lạc vào ngôi làng ma mất tích 12.500 năm - Ảnh 1.

Digging roads to build bridges, getting lost in a “ghost village” missing for 12,500 years

The 12,500-year-old “Ghost Village” is one of the most ancient human settlements ever discovered. After more than a millennium of being buried, the settlement with houses built quite squarely and neatly still retains many ancient walls,…

Discovering Hunan – Liye Qin Slips: “Reviving” Qin History

Chinese historians have long assumed that under China’s earliest imperial rulers, the Qin (221–206 B.C.) and Han (206 B.C.–A.D. 220) Dynasties, farmers turned over a fixed amount of their crops to the state as a land tax. In recent years, the discovery …


Close-up of a rock block dating back nearly 3 billion years and hundreds of fossil specimens

This is a collection of more than 2,000 fossil samples being displayed at the exhibition “Fossils – A journey to discover the origin of life on Earth” held for the first time in Vietnam within the framework of Hue Festival 2022. Exhibition exhibition by the Fossil Museum…

Important discovery of dinosaur remains killed by asteroid impact

For a long time, scientists have hypothesized that the extinction of dinosaurs was related to the collision between the asteroid Chicxulub and Earth. Recently, for the first time, archaeologists have found fossil remains of a dinosaur that according to…

The secret behind four 1,900-year-old Roman swords found in a cave in Israel

In a cave near the ancient settlement of Ein Gedi on the banks of the Dead Sea, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have discovered an assemblage of four extremely well-preserved iron swords. For the investigators, just getting to the …

The Midway Lost Ships

Share In September 2023 , more than 100 scientists from around the world watched as ROV Atalanta descended more than three miles down in the Pacific Ocean in search of the sunken aircraft carriers of the Battle of Midway. The battle, fought over four …