A 2,500-year-old statue that was taken from an Albanian field is brought to the Getty

At first, it was just a glint of green and brown in the dirt, exposed during routine plowing at an Albanian farm located next to an ancient Greek settlement. Then, as archaeologists carefully cleared the soil away, its shape gradually emerged: a figure …

Discovery of a 2,700-year-old ancient toilet in Jerusalem

Archaeologists in Jerusalem have found what they believe is an ancient toilet. This toilet is estimated to be about 2,700 years old. South China Morning Post reported that the Israel Antiquities Authority announced the discovery of an ancient toilet about 2,700…

Horrifying discovery: The remains of the “marsupial beast” weigh nearly 3 tons

40,000 years ago, this unusual, giant beast roamed the isolated land of present-day Oceania. According to Sci-News, Australian paleontologists “struck gold” when they unearthed some almost complete remains of the beast…

The Great Wall and its secrets that many people mistakenly believe

The Great Wall is a great architectural work, one of the proud symbols of China. There are still many interesting myths surrounding this famous wonder. 1. The Great Wall is not a single construction. The Great Wall…

The 125 million year old version of the human creature still has to be feared

Before causing misery to humans today, this creature's ancestors may have also “overthrown” the dinosaurs. A precious piece of amber from Lebanon has preserved the completely intact body of a small but fearsome creature that lived in the Jurassic period. It …

Finland’s most mysterious cemetery: People in 44 graves disappeared

The structure of the tombs, traces of burial… remain intact after 6,500 years, only human remains in the tombs have disappeared without a trace. According to Science Alert, a new analysis has revealed the mystery of the ancient cemetery located at the edge of the Arctic Circle in Tainiaro…

Unearthed a gold coin more than 1,000 years old with the face of Jesus engraved

A metal detector stumbled upon a rare gold coin while exploring the mountains of southern Norway. Jesus is depicted on one side of a gold coin. (Photo: Martine Kaspersen, Innlandet Fylkeskommune). A metal detector discovered…

Mysterious cut splits a more than 10,000-year-old rock block in two in Saudi Arabia

The Al Naslaa stone block was divided in half by a line cut thousands of years ago, as precise as using high-tech machinery. Saudi Arabia's Tayma Oasis is home to a 4,000-year-old geological mystery – a strange rock formation split down the middle perfectly…

Digging the foundation at the construction site, workers discovered more than 2,000kg of green “stringed” objects.

Turns out, the strange objects these workers found were extremely valuable “treasures”. Workers were digging when they heard a strange sound like the sound of metal colliding. Many years ago at a construction site in Hoa Chau district, Vi Nam,…

Discovering the giant skull fossil of the most ferocious sea monster of the Jurassic period

The skull of a giant sea monster, identified as a Pliosaur, was unearthed in a recent discovery halfway up a 15m high cliff in Dorset, near Kimmeridge Bay, southwest England, where famous for its historic beaches…