Australia boasts a rich diversity of birdlife, with over 800 species found across the continent and its surrounding islands and territories

Australia boasts a rich diversity of birdlife, with over 800 species found across the continent and its surrounding islands and territories. From the majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle to the iconic Emu, Australian birds offer a stunning display of physical …

Sunbird Facts | Sunbirds are tropical nectar-sipping birds belonging to the family Nectariniidae

Science, Tech, Math › Animals & Nature Scientific Name: Nectariniidae Sunbird in Tanzania near to Ngorongoro crater. Photography Aubrey Stoll / Getty Images Sunbirds are tropical nectar-sipping birds belonging to the family Nectariniidae. Some members …

Marvels of Nature: 10 Key Facts About Birds

Science, Tech, Math › Animals & Nature kengoh8888/Getty Images One of the six basic groups of animals —alongside reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, and protozoans—birds are characterized by their feather coats and (in most species) the ability to …

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Birds on Your Property

1. Put up a birdfeeder You can enjoy watching birds at your feeder year-round, or just in the winter when natural foods are tougher to find, especially with snow cover or very low temperatures. 2. Put up a birdhouse Depending on where you live, a birdhouse …

Attracting Hummingbirds | Be sure to clean the feeder very well to reduce the growth of bacteria, which can sicken hummingbirds

Hang feeders One simple way to attract rubythroats is to build or buy a hummingbird feeder and fill it with a nectar solution. Providing a complete diet in your feeder is not essential, because the birds will balance their diets on their own. Hang the …

Vulture Facts | Vultures play a crucial role in our ecosystem

Vultures play a crucial role in our ecosystem. As scavengers, they eat dead animals, removing them from roadsides and other areas. Vultures not only cut down on the number of rotten, smelly carcasses but also reduce the spread of diseases. Rapid Carcass …

Owl Facts| Great horned owls are large, with wide-set ear tufts, a white throat, and yellow irises

As predators, owls play an important role in controlling mice, rats, and rabbits, which can become pests. In the process, they tend to select those easiest to catch — slower, weaker, or diseased — thus forging a healthier prey population. Because one …

Bird Facts | Missouri Department of Conservation

Most people know a bird when they see one. It has feathers, wings and a bill. Birds are warm-blooded, and most species can fly. Many migrate hundreds or thousands of miles. Birds lay hard-shelled eggs (often in a nest), and the parents care for the young. …

Why Should We Care About Birds?

Birds eat insect pests that would otherwise decimate agricultural crops, gardens, and other vegetation. Birds eat 400–500 tons of insects  per year . Birds like crows and vultures scavenge carcasses, reducing the spread of diseases such as rabies and …

The Colorado River is Unpredictable, but its Policies and Management Shouldn’t Be. Audubon weighs in on federal decisions in the short and long-term

The wet winter of 2022-2023 followed more than two decades of drought in the Colorado River Basin. The snowmelt boosted system reservoirs by about 10 percent, an extremely fortunate turn of events. But the reality remains that system reservoirs are more …