A Sharp Little Hummingbird Constructs a Roofed Home

It doesn’t matter what animal you are referring to, they are going to have someplace to rest and sleep. Some of them do it out in the open but others make themselves a cozy little home.

One conservationist who is familiar with seeing hummingbird nests near her home in Paraguay is Bianca Caroline Soares. She was taking a walk last spring when she saw something she had never seen before. It was a hummingbird nest with a roof. As you can imagine, she was impressed with what she saw.

Few constructions in nature evoke a sense of coziness and warmth quite like nests — treetop homes built with love and care by birds to raise their babies. That is especially seen when it comes to birds because they build little nests in the treetops to raise their families and live securely. Perhaps that is why it may not be a surprise when a mother-to-be bird found a way to make her home even better.

“I saw five hummingbird nests that day, but this was the most ingenious,” Soares added. The shade provided by the leaf made it one of the nicest nests in the hummingbird neighborhood. It also was a good place to start a family. Soares continued to watch as things developed over the next few months and watched the family enjoy the home their mother had built.

In the weeks and months that followed that first sighting, Soares continued to visit the clever bird’s nest, observing the tiny family she’d built it for.

“She had two hummingbird babies,” Soares said. When the days got hot, the little hummingbird babies were enjoying what their mother had done for them.

Soares hopes that seeing what this hummingbird mother did will help people to be more thoughtful when it comes to taking care of nature.

The hummingbird’s thoughtfulness certainly helped her own tiny family. In time, all her babies grew strong enough to set out on their own, perhaps taking a lesson from the design of their childhood home when it comes time to build their own nests

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