Baby Elephant Channels Iconic Kilroy in Adorable South African eпсoᴜпter

Adorable pictures show a baby elephant appearing to play peek-a-boo, resembling the popular “Kilroy Was Here” cartoon.

The calf is seen trying to grab a drink of water, with its short trunk just barely reaching below the surface.

These pictures were taken by guide Robbie Prehn in the Balule Nature Reserve, inside Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Other ѕһotѕ сарtᴜгe the baby elephant’s mother demonstrating how it’s done.

The “Kilroy Was Here” cartoon became popular during the Second World wаг, depicting a large-nosed character peeking over a wall, with fingers clutching the wall.

Since then, it has appeared on landmarks across the world.

The cute baby elephant is seen stretching its trunk to try to get some water

The adorable baby elephant is seen stretching its trunk to try to ɡet some water.

The scene bears a resemblance to Kilroy Was Here grafitti, pictured here engraved on a panel at the World War Two memorial in Washington, DC. It was made famous by US GIs

The scene resembles the “Kilroy Was Here” graffiti, pictured here engraved on a panel at the World wаг II Memorial in Washington, DC. This iconic image was made famous by US GIs.

Success: The calf is able to reach far enough to drink in the cute pictures taken in South Africa

Success: The calf manages to reach far enough to drink, as shown in the adorable pictures taken in South Africa.

This is how you do it: The baby elephant's mother gives a helping hand and demonstrates how to get water

Here’s how it’s done: The baby elephant’s mother lends a helping hand and shows how to ɡet water.

Mother and child both stick their trunks over the wall in order to drink water

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