Majestic Elephants Take Over South African Lodge Pool in Unforgettable Encounter

Guests at the Phinda Private Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were treated to a remarkable experience when a herd of elephants emerged from the wild to drink from a private swimming pool.

Over 60 elephants, divided into three groups, gracefully took turns drinking from the resort’s pool.

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This rare and captivating scene was captured by Mark Lautenbach, a specialist guide who has been working at the reserve for eight years, captured these rare and captivating scenes.

Lautenbach shared stunning photographs of the encounter, highlighting the unique moment when the elephants chose the lodge’s amenities over a nearby waterhole.

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The elephants, known to drink up to 100 liters of water daily, consumed an estimated 6,000 liters during their visit.

Lautenbach described how the elephants initially visited a mud-filled waterhole before going to the pool.

By the time Lautenbach arrived, the herd had already gathered around the pool, turning the water a muddy brown and drinking more than half its content.

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For over three hours, the elephants reveled in drinking, wallowing, and socializing around the pool for over three hours before retreating into the bush.

Lautenbach likened the scene to a beach party aftermath, with mud-splattered decks and flattened grass.

Visitors at The Homestead, an exclusive resort within the Phinda Private Game Reserve, were surprised and delighted by this extraordinary sight.

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The encounter offered a rare glimpse into the daily lives of these majestic creatures, making it a truly unforgettable experience for all who witnessed it.

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