Rescue the crocodile from the frozen swamp by the man

The video of rescuing a crocodile from a frozen swamp attracted more than 9.5 million views after spreading on Twitter. What especially confuses netizens is how this reptile survives in freezing temperatures for such a long time?


Crocodiles are inherently cold-blooded creatures, relying on sunlight to regulate their body temperature. It can keep body temperature within a certain limit even when the surrounding temperature is abnormal.

During times when there is no sunlight, or when temperatures are low, these reptiles dig large holes in the river, sometimes on the banks to make shelter.

Reptiles are capable of living in the coldest water environment of about 4 degrees Celsius. However, surviving in freezing water is a completely different story. After watching the video of a crocodile surviving in a frozen lake, netizens were confused and surprised.

Social media user Tansu Yegan shared a video showing a man using a hammer to break through layers of ice to rescue a trapped crocodile.

Phần mõm cá sấu lộ ra trên mặt nước đóng băng ở Bắc Carolina, Mỹ. Ảnh: Daily Mail

The man in the video named George Howard did not completely free the adult crocodile from the ice swamp, he just tried to dig a little to create space for the crocodile to relax.

George Howard, manager of The Swamp park in southern North Carolina, said: “It’s a great survival technique for crocodiles. They have the ability to survive in environments that are not their forte. This is a clear proof of this possibility”.

At The Swamp park, there are about 12 crocodiles, hibernating under the ice. When buried in a thick layer of ice, this reptile does not die, it just hibernates by slowing down its metabolism.

They lower their body temperature to survive in cold weather. Basically, alligators may slow down for a while, but they still need to breathe.

To be able to perform this important process, they will cut a thin layer of ice on the surface and stretch their nose upward.

George Howard said: “Crocodiles survive in frozen swamps by sticking their nose through the ice to breathe. Reptiles stop metabolism and they don’t need to eat, their heart rate slows down, their digestive system slows down. Otherwise, they just sit and wait for the warm weather to return.

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