Discovered frescoes of Trojan mythological characters in Pompeii

The “Black Room” with its beautiful frescoes inspired by the Trojan War, is considered one of the most outstanding archaeological discoveries ever made at Pompeii. Nearly 2,000 years since it was buried by volcanic lava, the city…

Discovered frescoes of Trojan mythological characters in Pompeii

The “Black Room” with its beautiful frescoes inspired by the Trojan War, is considered one of the most outstanding archaeological discoveries ever made at Pompeii. Nearly 2,000 years since it was buried by volcanic lava, the city…

Australia discovered fossils of 3 new species of giant ancient kangaroos

All three newly discovered kangaroo species belong to the extinct kangaroo genus Protemnodon that lived on the Australian continent, between 5 million and 40,000 years ago. Researchers in southern Australia have discovered fossils of three species of rats…

Discovering a secret jar of gold coins buried under an ancient temple

Unexpectedly, inside the jar were 505 round objects made of gold. Workers discovered a sealed metal jar buried about 2.4 m deep while clearing a wasteland for gardening in the Jambukeswarar temple complex, Tamil Nadu state, Ancient …

The terrifying sea monster is 10 meters long and has teeth enough to crush sea turtles

Today's great white sharks are still much less dangerous than their newly unearthed ancestral sea monster. Almost completely intact fossils of a 76 million-year-old sea monster were discovered in a limestone quarry in Nuevo León – Northeast Mexico…

Excavating a 900-year-old ancient tomb suddenly discovered a strange “treasure”.

Archaeologists recently discovered a 12th-century tomb during an archaeological dig and found buried treasure with it. The Jönköping County Museum announced the discovery in a March 27 press release. This discovery occurred…

The largest salmon on Earth has tusks like a humped pig

The largest salmon species ever discovered, Oncorhynchus rastrosus, can use its tusk-like teeth to compete with rivals, defend itself from predators, and dig nests. 5 million years ago, Oncorhynchus rastrosus, a prehistoric salmon species up to 2.7 meters long and…

Discovering an 1,800-year-old bronze portrait of Alexander the Great

Metal detectors have unearthed a miniature bronze portrait of Alexander the Great on an island in Denmark. The miniature bronze portrait depicts Alexander the Great with wavy hair and a crown of ram's horns. Portrait in…

Ancient royal lodge ruins discovered in North Sinai, Egypt

Preliminary scientific studies show that the discovered building dates back to the time of King Thutmose III (1481-1425 BC) and may have been used as a guesthouse or royal palace. According to a reporter in Cairo, on April 25, an Egyptian archaeological delegation…