19 beautiful species of FOREST ORCHIDS that are most popular today

1. Beautiful orchids – Turtle Claw Orchids:

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.

Turtle Nail Orchid is popular with many hobbyists, its scientific name is Oberonia longibracteata Lindl.

The herbaceous plant grows in bushes with stems about 50cm tall.


The tree’s branches and leaves have a flat, fan-shaped webbing, the green leaves resemble the shape of a turtle’s claw and are quite thick

The flowers grow singly, are bright yellow and have a triangular shape with a beautiful red inner lip.

Each flower is about 3 – 4cm in size and usually blooms in summer and fall.


This orchid has strong vitality and lives on tree trunks.

How to plant and care.

Turtle claw orchids usually grow in places with average temperatures from 20 to 32 degrees Celsius, preferring moderate light.


Flowers live parasitically on tree trunks, so substrates such as coconut fiber, tree trunks, wood, driftwood, etc. can be used.

Watering regime is every 2 days in summer, once a week in winter.

Note: The best time to water is at noon because the leaves will dry in the evening.

Fertilize the tree.

You apply NPK fertilizer or fertilizer with high phosphorus content to the plant during the growth period, especially in the summer.

Flowering time is usually from summer to fall. Heavy rainfall provides a lot for the plant, so the ability to flower is quite high.

2. Long Tu Laos.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.

Long tu Lao is the easiest type of hanging flower to care for and bloom.


Laotian dragon fruit has good growth characteristics, is healthy, has few diseases, and has beautiful flowers. Orchids are parasitic so they like the sun under a layer of netting.

How to plant and care.

You can water regularly in the summer, limit watering in the winter, or water the roots once every two months.

In mid-February, start spraying water again at the base every day (once a week you can spray NPK 10-30-10 on the tree), and by early March, the poplar tree will have buds.

3. Hoang Phi Hac:

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


Hoang Phi Hac is a popular type of wild orchid grown in our country due to its beautiful shape.

Hoang Phi Hac is widely distributed in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.

There are two types of flowers: purple and white.

How to plant and care.

You should plant before the sprouts sprout or before the sprouts take root.

The plant prefers light conditions of 60-70%, so you can hang the orchids under a layer of Thai net.

With Orchids, it is best to plant them vertically


The best time to plant should be the last months of the year, December to April of the following year.

If you choose to buy seeds, you should trim the roots and remove yellow and crushed leaves.

You separate each pair of pseudobulbs into a group and soak the seeds in 20 – 1cc Physan solution mixed with 1 liter of water.

After 15 minutes, take it out and drain.

Planting medium.

Driftwood and hardwood.


Mini shell..

Lime water to soak and disinfect the substrate.

Water 2-3 times a week.

Fertilizing plants.

Spray the product mixture every 10 days.

Fertilize NPK 20-20-20Te once until the sprout roots grow 5-10cm long.

Apply nano copper.

Spray with the above formula until the pseudobulbs tie their tips for 1 month, then stop fertilizing and switch to NPK 6:30:30 fertilizer sprayed once a week.

4. Hoang Thao Ken:

Outstanding characteristics, blooming color.


Hoang Thao Ken’s scientific name is Dendrobium Lituiflorum. This is a beautiful and rare orchid species that is difficult to domesticate.

The best planting time of the year is from February to April.

Cut the old roots from the new tree and use 90-degree alcohol to spray the cut and dip it in lime water.

Then, you hang it upside down for 2 days to let the plant get used to the environment.

Choose the substrate.

Use pots or hardwood or driftwood.

How to plant and care.

When watering, you should pay attention to seasonal watering rules and not leave the roots wet for more than half a day.

Hang the tree in a cool, dry place.

Orchids often grow strongly after the flowering season.

At this time, young shoots begin to grow from the base, so you should use NPK 30-10-10 or use a balanced fertilizer with NPK 20-20-20 and B1 sprayed weekly.

In the summer, trees are susceptible to fungal diseases, cone rot, leaf spots, and rot, so you need to pay attention to disease prevention.

In the rainy season, you should spray Ridomil twice a month diluted by 1/2 dose.

The cold season is the time when trees rest, so their stems often shrink. Therefore, you need to spray more stimulation to increase the plant’s resistance.

5. Purple Agarwood Orchid.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


Purple Agarwood orchids have a unique charm and fragrance, so they are very popular. This is a rare flower with high economic value.

The technique of planting and caring for this flower is complicated.

Purple Agarwood orchids are hybridized between two other orchid species, the Giac Hac orchid and the purple Hoang Thao orchid.

Purple Agarwood orchids have a gentle, pleasant fragrance and are popular for playing during the Lunar New Year.

There are two types of agarwood: forest agarwood and Taiwanese industrial agarwood, in which Taiwanese agarwood has flowers 3 times larger than forest agarwood, with more cotton faces and colors than the 3-week long growing period.

Our country’s agarwood has the advantage of having sharp colors despite being smaller in size and releasing a very fragrant scent during its 10-day flowering period.

How to plant and care.

Take the plant and only transplant the purple agarwood orchid when the plant has sprouted buds at the base but the buds have not yet sprouted new roots to ensure good growth.

Before planting, trees must be pruned, their roots cut short to 1 cm to stimulate the growth of young shoots.

After pruning the purple agarwood orchid, hang it upside down for 1 day and then soak the base for 10 minutes with a solution of 1ml (b1) + 1ml (atonik) + 1l of water.

Water the plants 1-2 times a day depending on the growing medium and the climate where they are grown.

Watering once every 6 days includes B1 and atonik with a dose of 0.5ml B1 + 0.5ml atonik + 1 liter of water to stimulate germination for purple agarwood orchids.

Every 2 weeks, water the plant with antifungal agent.

6. Hoang Thao Don Cam.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


Hoang Thao Don Cam is a precious wild orchid with bright colors and beautiful flowers. The flowers have a mild fragrance.

Single orange royal orchids are grown in Southeast Asian countries such as Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia…

Orchids grow in high humidity, heavy rain, cool weather, and are vulnerable to high temperatures.

The leaves fall in the fall, the flowers are long, glossy, full in width and bloom with a characteristic backward curve, the flowers are 4-5 cm large, 1-4 flowers grow at the nodes, fragrant.

The flowers are fragrant and have a scent similar to that of wax.

How to plant and care.

You choose a cool place with high humidity and moderate light to grow orchids.

You can use orchid growing substrates such as bark or pumice.

After planting the orchid in the substrate, give the plant 3 hours of light sunlight every day to give it time to photosynthesize.

With Hoang Thao Don Cam, you need to water 3 times/week in the winter and 1 time/week in the winter.

Fertilize flowers once a week.

7. Orchid Crane.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


This is the most popular type of orchid in our country, characterized by its pink stem and very fragrant flowers, so it is favored by many hobbyists.

The flowers have a purple-white color and have the highest value: 5 white petals, 5 purple petals, white nose, scratched eyes, flat tongue, flying wings, drooping wings, protruding tongue…

Dendrobium anosmum – Dendrobium anosmum is a species with graceful beauty.

In addition, it is also a very easy-to-live orchid. Just provide it with a place to grow without fertilizing and the plant will still live well.

Jia Hac lives parasitically on tree branches at the edge of forests at altitudes of 1,000 – 3,000 m in Vietnam.

Jia Hac’s stem is 1.2m high, they are famous for their long and large flower clusters.

The flowers are usually pink and white with purple on the lips and tongue. Blooming flowers will emit a gentle fragrance, the fragrance wafting far away.

Hac orchids are quite easy to grow, so they can be grown in wooden substrates or in large terracotta pots.

You should hang the plant in a place with about 50-70% light.

How to plant and care.

Step 1: Divide seeds

You need to separate each pseudobulb and separate it. After that, you first trim the old roots, the bruised and withered parts, leaving 2cm of roots to shoot and fix the pseudobulbs to the substrate.

Step 2: Soak

Let the orchid soak the seed for 5 – 10 minutes with Physan 20 solution at a concentration of 1ml/liter of water.

Take it out and let it dry for a few hours.

Step 3: Pair and hang.

You stick the roots into a cardboard or wooden board.

In order for the grafted plant to grow well, you should separate the young pseudobulbs and the old pseudobulbs into two sides.

After grafting, hang it on a trellis and place it in a place with about 60-70% sunlight.


After growing on the substrate, spray the product once at a concentration of 1ml/1 liter (20 drops) or B1+Atonik.

After spraying the product until the tips are tied, stop.

When the orchid is 8 months old, spray the plant with an amount of 6-30-30 TE, spray 3-4 times, once every 10 days or apply slow-release organic fertilizer 3-6-6 TE.

Spray disinfectant and fungicides on the plants. Once a month, you spray Movento + Pesieu once to prevent red spiders, leafhoppers, aphids, thrips…

8. Bamboo Buddha.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


Buddha Ba Bamboo Orchid (Avalokitesvara Bamboo Orchid) is called Dendrobium Pendulum. This type of orchid has wide spreading wings so it is very beautiful and popular.

Orchids come in three colors: White, yellow, purple, and have a pleasant scent.

How to plant and care.


Buddha Bamboo orchids are healthy.

Use pieces of fir tree bark to make a substrate for orchids.

The planting pot is designed to help with good drainage.

How to plant.


You put the substrate consisting of a mixture of sprigs and fir bark into the pot and then plant the orchid in the above substrate.

You water the plant and place your orchid pot in a place with cool temperatures and moderate light.

When growing strongly, Ba Phat Bamboo orchids need to be kept moist and fertilized to provide timely nutrition.

How to care.

Bamboo plants can grow and have strong vitality, like direct light, and can withstand harsh weather well. The plant prefers soil in the midlands to the plains. It doesn’t take too much time to care for it, but it should be planted in areas with high moisture soil.

9. Lan Ngoc Diem.

Outstanding characteristics, flowering season.


The Ngoc Diem orchid flower has another common name, buffalo ear orchid, with thick, narrow leaves.

When flowering, it often curves or hangs down, as long as the length of the leaf.

There are many purple flowers, sometimes dozens of flower clusters.

Ngoc Diem has a pleasant scent, often blooms during Tet, so it is considered the orchid of traditional Tet, easy to plant and grow.

Pearl orchids are grown in highlands such as the South Central region and some neighboring countries such as Laos and Cambodia.

Ngoc Diem is a type of orchid that has large bushes and grows strongly.

The leaves of the tree are large and long and green, often growing quickly and strongly.

How to plant and care for jade orchids.


Ngoc Diem is a type of orchid that can withstand heat quite well.

The most suitable temperature for jade orchids to grow is about 26-30 degrees Celsius.

The jade orchid is quite drought tolerant, but prefers high humidity conditions and grows quickly. Humidity ranges from 40-70%.

The jade orchid is a plant that likes about 60% light.

The jade orchid is a solitary orchid, so when planting, the substrate needs to be very airy. When planting, just tie the orchid tightly to a tree and place about 3 large pieces of charcoal in the substrate.

You should water the jade point about 2 times a day. During the orchid’s off season, you only need to water it about once a day.

You can choose Tilt Super antifungal medicine once a month in the dry season and once every 2 weeks in the rainy season.

10. Purple Narcissus.

Outstanding characteristic, flowering season .


Orchid Thuy Tien has another name: Kieu and is a flower with beautiful and brilliant beauty and a gentle fragrance.

Lan Thuy Tien lives in many climate zones of Vietnam.

The flowers grow from the base of the leaves and form long clusters that hang down, looking very beautiful.

The flowers are each 2-4cm in size and bloom massively.

How to plant and care.


Orchids are grown by grafting.

When pairing with a pot or wooden stand, hang it in a cool place and spray it with water periodically. Only when the roots have grown can they be exposed to sunlight.

11. Forest Crane Orchid.

The wild crane orchid is a species that grows well, is easy to grow, has beautiful and fragrant flowers, so it is very easy to grow and is popular with many people.

Wild crane is a popular orchid in Vietnam with pink stems and very fragrant flowers, so it is popular with many people.

This orchid is grown by many people in wooden pots to display in the living room, or placed in the window near the desk.


The fake crane produces many types of cotton faces with the main color being white and purple tones. The most famous and valuable are 5 white wings, 5 purple wings, white nose, scratched eyes, flat tongue, flying wings, folded wings, tongue late…

Wild Crane Orchid scientific name: Dendrobium anosmum.

This orchid variety usually grows in countries in Southeast Asia but is now popular all over the world because it is quite easy to grow, has many flowers and a sweet fragrance.

The body of the Forest Crane is 1.20 m long and hangs down.

Leaves grow oppositely, 8-12 cm long and 4-7 cm wide.

Flowers up to 10 cm large grow from 1-3 in deciduous nodes, blooming in the spring.


12. Lan Tram.


This is a type of royal jelly that women love because it has beautiful, fragrant flowers with the main color being purple tones.

There are two types of agarwood: forest agarwood and Taiwanese industrial agarwood. Taiwanese agarwood has flowers three times larger than wild agarwood, with many colors.

The playing time is from 3 to 4 weeks.

Wild agarwood has the advantage of having sharp colors despite being smaller in size and giving off a very fragrant scent for a 10-day flowering period.

13. Buddha Bamboo Orchid.


Phat Ba Bamboo Orchid often blooms before Tet, growing in beautiful hand-shaped clusters with 2 tones of white and yellow.

The orchid stem has the shape of the scrotum as well as the constriction area, forming a shape similar to the Buddha chain in Buddhism.

The natural white petals are surrounded by a purple border, the pistil is very fresh, showing longevity, creating a very beautiful overall flower appearance.

Bamboo flower season is May – June.

The substrate for growing Buddha orchids is usually pine bark mixed with coconut fiber.

When planting, you should leave the roots on the substrate because it cannot withstand too much moisture and can easily cause diseases on the plant.

14. Hoang Thao Don Cam.

Hoang Thao Don Cam is one of the precious forest flowers with colorful colors.


This flower looks small, pretty and has many flowers, creating its own unique look.

15. Lan Kieu Det.

Dendrobium sulcatum, scientific name is Dendrobium sulcatum, is a species of orchid in the genus Dendrobium sulcatum.

The tree is found abundantly in Thailand, Laos and South China Eastern Himalayas at altitudes of 500 to 1000 meters.


There are many different types of orchids such as yellow, purple, square, orange… It can be seen from its name that the orchid is the most beautiful and valuable species.

Flat Lan Kieu blooms in the spring, blooming in yellow clusters, with a light, lingering scent.

An interesting thing about this flower is that it is very rare and is in the Vietnam Red Book.

16. Nghinh Xuan (hybrid pearl, jade point).


Lan Nghinh Xuan, also known as Lai Chau, Ngoc Diem has the scientific name Rhynchostylis Gigantea.

Nghinh Xuan often flowers near Tet, so many Vietnamese people use it to play in their homes and living rooms every Tet holiday until spring comes.

Ninh Xuan is a flower that is easy to grow and easy to care for.

Blooming flowers are white and purple or yellow.

17. Hac Vi.


Hac Vy’s scientific name is Dendrobium aphyllum.

Hac Vi is an orchid species that belongs to the same family as Gia Hac.

Hac Vi is very prolific and easy to grow.

The flowers are pink and white mixed with blue.

The pistil of Hac Vi is yellow.

18. Cam Bao.

The Cam Bao orchid has the scientific name Vandopsis parishii and is a variety of orchids belonging to the Vandopsis species, Vanda group. Vanda refers to a single-stemmed orchid with leaves that spread to the sides, and the word opsis means like.


Cam leopard is a type of orchid with thick petals so it can be played for quite a long time.

The Leopard Cam flower has light yellow background spots interspersed with brown spots that are a bit darker than leopard skin. This is also the origin of the name of this flower.

The roots of the Cam Bao orchid are very large and strong, they often stretch outward to absorb water and nutrients to feed the plant.

This flower is relatively easy to grow.

Many people like to play Cam Bao not only because it has the strong beauty of a leopard but also because the flowers last for about 3 weeks.

19. My Dung Da Huong.

My Dung Da Huong’s scientific name is Vanda denisoniana, a vanda orchid with green yellow flowers, round petals, very fragrant vanilla scent and long-lasting flowers.


This flower has a characteristic color of banana green.

My Dung Da Huong is quite easy to grow and is a wind-rooted orchid that does not require a substrate.

Because it has a subtle fragrance that makes people ecstatic, people have given it the name My Dung Da Huong.




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